Chapter 2.

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Specifically no one portrays Isabelle, I'm just letting you picture the way she looks. To be honest I don't like anyone being a character except ariana but not in this book.
Just wanted to clarify that.

My book is more different. Don't picture Isabella as a grown ten year old girl. She's more petite and is smaller than a ordinary ten year old girl. Nothings wrong with her that's just the way I want you to picture her.

Wed, August 3rd. Justins songs been you, one life, no pressure, hold tight and albums my world 2.0 and journals were fucking trending all in one night. I'm crying fiekkrkr. 😭😭

Justin's pov:

❝ Daddys the best.❞

August 3rd 2010

I just got back from signing all the adoption papers and taking Isabella home. She was very quiet during the car ride and was completely lost to her surroundings. She was so innocent and adorable, just perfect. I find it unbelievable that I was a daddy, even though she's not my blood but that doesn't make much of a difference.

"Welcome home baby girl" I smiled, unbuckling her seat belt and grabbing her small body out of the car, picking her up and placing her on the side of my left hip. Her big blue eyes looked at the huge mansion in confusion. I wonder what she's thinking.

"This is my house?" She asked in a shy adorable voice. My heart warmed and I thought how could someone manage to steal my heart in just under an hour and be so precious?

"Yes princess" I nodded. Her bright blue eyes twinkled and her mouth formed into a wide smile. I felt relieved and began to feel she would become more comfortable and this would be more easier. The last thing I wanted to do was scare her and make her feel uncomfortable. "Let's go see your new room" she gasped, widening her eyes, nodding her head, making me chuckle.

I walked into my house closing the front doors and approaching the large staircase. "Your house is huge" she looked around in amazement from the littlest things she became infatuated with.

"'It's 'your' house too" I corrected her and she smiled, her cheeks flushing with red.

Once I made it into the hallway, I opened her door which was on the right in front of my room and walked into her new room. The room was a pastel pink with white fluffy carpet and I bought her a queen size bed with a white duvet. I bought stuffed animals and dolls for her which were set up for belle and toys like a tea cup set and kitchen. "This is my room?!" She asked in disbelief looking into my eyes and then around the room.

"All yours baby girl" she smiled but then furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and looked down as if thinking.

"Are you my new daddy?" She asked with a shine of hope twinkling in her big blue eyes. I nodded, smiling down at her and she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck, resting her head on shoulder. I smiled, giving her tiny body a squeeze. She kissed my cheek and then wiggled her legs. I set her on her two small feet and she instantly ran to the toys with her pigtails bouncing. She giggled grabbing all the toys she could, analyzing them. My number one priorities were to make her happy and be a good daddy. I think I can do this.

I've been planning on adopting for a while and had already bought little girls clothes and ect. I'm pretty sure she's the right size but if not then I'll just take her to Claires.

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