Chapter 10.

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And thank you for the positive comments, you guys are so appreciated! ♡

Note: I've never been to bora bora but I have researched it and only found a little bit of information so I'm sorry if it lacks details. I'm writing it my way so don't try telling me that's not how it works there, anything is possible in my book.

Isabella's pov:

"Is that all the bags isabella?" Daddy asked and I nodded carrying and dropping off the last pink bag next to some of mine and daddy's other black bags. The jet was finally on the ground and we were in bora bora, I was more than excited to see what I had searched on daddy's phone not that long ago. Apparently it was one of the most romantic places on earth and I didn't even know that, I thought Paris was the only romantic place.

"Okay and we'll be back until?" Daniel dragged out the word for daddy to answer his question. Daddy never stated that so I was curious too.

"I don't know how long we're staying but I'll definitely let you know" daddy informed him and daniel nodded before giving the last bags to these random people that I knew were from this place. Do they have another language? I don't know but I noticed we were just about to get off the plane, thank you jesus for that. I watched La Bamba and that's also majority of why I hate flying.

"Bye daniel" I smiled and quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a tight hug. I can't thank him enough for everything that he has done for me especially his bomb ass pancakes, he needs to send me a stack of them one day.

"See you later belsa" I heard him say causing me to gasp in shock.

"Oh my god you remembered!" I squealed, jumping up and down. He called me belsa because frozen was literally my favorite movie and I always said that I was Elsa so he called me belsa get it? I totally thought he forgot about it, oh my god those were the good days.

"Of course I did, how could I forget princess?" Daniel chuckled. He called me that only a couple of times but I loved hearing it but mostly from daddy because I am only his princess duh.

"Okay come on Isabella" daddy impatiently said and pulled me away making me pout but I let go of daniel, waving at him and took daddy's hand as we walked down the Jets steps and met the people who were carrying our bags, "Just put them in the trunk" daddy told the nice people in a very rude way which made me frown at how he treated people who were just doing their job. He literally was making them drive our bags to us just because daddy's ferrari doesn't have a trunk, I told him to just take an escalade but he refused to because he said and I quote "doesn't drive those kind of cars" Why am I barley noticing his cocky attitude?

While we were walking, I took the time to really admire this beautiful country. The sky was a bright blue color with no clouds in sight. There was beautiful palm trees in the distance. I could see the water from where the plane was previously at and let me tell you, it shined beautifully from the sun and I could see how crystal blue it was which excited me, this place was absolutely stunning, I prefer it much better than the city.

I heard something behind me and turned around seeing one of the men dropped my bag while holding daddy's and he immediately tried picking it up but was struggling. They didn't have anything to help them with the bags so I attempted to go help him but daddy pulled me back, "No isabella"

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