Chapter 11.

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Whaaat? I updated what a shocker right? No but fr I'm sorry this chapter took me longer than it should have.

I know I haven't updated but please vote and comment your thoughts because on the update on capitulated was an absolute fail, I'm taking a break from writing chapters for books that aren't being appreciated.

Also this chapter may be boring and short only because I couldn't come up with anything more creative without over doing the whole scenes. This chapter was meant to be posted freaking weeks ago but I wasn't satisfied with any of the scenes.

Anyways I re-edited some parts but if this chapter is crappy then I'm sorry, I didn't want to rush writing but I haven't updated in months, I suck I know I'm really sorry. It's almost been a year since I've created this book and I barley have eleven chapters, freaking sad.

And If a bitch wants to talk shit about me, don't fucking mute me you dumb hoe it shows how much of a damn pussy you are. Stay in your lane and quit copying my profile you'll never be like me, you're annoying as hell. It ain't inspiring if you're doing everything I do, there's a difference.

Isabella's pov:

"Baby girl, you ready?" Daddy asked me as I just finished putting my hair in a side braid. I nodded at him through the mirror and set my pink hair brush down on the bathroom counter and turned off the lights after making sure I looked somewhat decent. I walked over to daddy who was patiently waiting for me by the door, he was wearing a solid black t-shirt with white basketball shorts and had his hair nicely done in that curve style; I don't know what it was called but in other words, he just looked freaking hot as usual, I love when he wore clothes like that.

Daddy opened the door letting me walk out first and that's when the warm air came in contact with my skin followed by a cool breeze. The ocean was glistening from the sun that was coming up through the sky since it was nine in the morning. It was peacefully quiet and all you could hear was the oceans waves crashing together which was really calming to me because I'm just that type of person who finds comfort in natures sounds. Go ahead and judge me but I'm not the only one.

I looked around for a few seconds as daddy locked the door taking notice that there was nobody else outside I mean it was still early and there wasn't really anybody here on vacation, I've only seen a few people. Once daddy locked the door and slid the keys in his pocket he grabbed my hand and we both started walking on the wooden path that led all the way down towards the small buildings which were restaurants and little gift stores, all that kind of stuff which I was definitely going to visit later on so I could get something from there as a souvenir before we leave.

"How do you like it so far, baby?" Daddy asked and I looked up at him, turning my lips up into a smile. He doesn't even know how much I love this place already, it's so beautiful here. California had nothing on bora bora, everyone thinks it's dreamland but there's nothing special about Los Angeles, it's just known for having celebrities and luxurious things. It's not that exciting in my opinion.

"I love it here, daddy" I admitted truthfully with a big smile on my face. "Let's just live here instead" I added jokingly even though it would be a dream come true because come on, this place is magical. I think about other places all the time but what could possibly out due this one?

"I'm glad you like it, baby but I would never permanently make us live in a foreign country" he chuckled, shaking his head and swung our arms back and forth. He's just so cute and I have the urge to kiss him on the lips, ugh my temptations are becoming tough on me.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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