Chapter 4.

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Just had to update a longer and more interesting chapter because of your lovely comments, thank you :) ♡ bruh 'let me love you' is the fucking shit oh my goddddd😭😭❤ daddy my pussy is fucking clapping. Let me just hop on you stopppp. I not only want to thank god but jesus for blessing us.

Spotify is literally fucking up. First of all journals was released in 2013 not 2014. I'm not that dumb. I demand you to fix it before I go insane and question if I'm right and living a lie. I swear to god am I going crazy? What the hell.

*time changed, it's 2016, justin is 28 and bella is 16. Appearence is the same*

Justin's pov:

Friday, June 4th 2016

'Your love is in my hands.'

"So you wanna work for me?" I said bluntly to this guy who looked rather nervous. His hair was a mess and I could tell he was sweating. I wanted to laugh at how pathetic this interview was, like come on, I know I intimate people but don't show it.

"Yes sir, I have plenty of experiences and I'm pretty sure I can do the job" he nervously sat up trying to be more confident but he was literally pulling at his tie, looking anywhere but my eyes. Apparently you never worked for somebody like me.

"You're sure?" I sarcastically chuckled finding this amusing. One thing that I enjoy doing is putting people under pressure. I own this mother fucker and people expect me to show sympathy? Please, that's not gonna happen. This business isn't full of pussys. I get that I can be obnoxious and be an asshole but that's just the way I am when I'm handling business. Everything goes my way and that's how it will always be.

"Uh y-yes sir" he choked out.

"Well" I looked down at his name on the paper. "Mr. Edwards, you don't impress me and you definitely won't be working for me. Thanks for wasting my time" I stood up grabbing his review and harshly giving it back to him. This is just ridiculous and absolutely absurd.

"B-but sir-"

"-Shut up and get the hell out of my building" i ignored his pleads walking out of the room. I just wasted five minutes on someone so pathetic. Everyday I fire someone and have new people coming in for a job yet they're not capable of handling my instructions and lack experience.

I walked into my office expecting to see bella on the couch or in my chair but the room was empty. "Bella?" No response. "Isabella?!" Nothing. Fucking shit. "Clare!" I yelled and the red headed girl came running in my office acting clueless but I could see straight through her.

"Sir?" She nervously smiled, stumbling in her heels.

Does she really think I'm a dumbass?
I fucking told that bitch to watch her and make sure bella doesn't leave my office. I'm sick and tired of people not listening to me! "Where is Isabella?!"

"I-i don't know. She was gone when I came in to check on her. I-im sorry Mr. Bieber" she tried apologizing but that wasn't gonna help with what I'm about to do to her. She's so easily replaceable.

"You could've fucking looked for her! You had one simple job and you couldn't even do it! You're fired!" I yelled walking out of my office, frantically searching for my baby girl. This building had over a hundred floors, she could be anywhere! I'm not overreacting, this wouldn't even be happening if it weren't for idiotic dumbasses.

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