Chapter 6.

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Man these fucking gifs will be the damn death of me. I just wanna fucking attack him and keep him chained up to my damn bed, I will get him whole and refuse to let a whore have a piece of that.

1000 reads yasss and I'm not those writers who get overly excited over something so little. No I'm just fucking ecstatic because this book reached a thousand reads in like 7 days. Thank you babes ♡♡♡

"You know I love chocolate and I ain't talking bout the candy" dead asf.

Okay who ever is reading this book please do not think that this is just a copy of this other girls book (who I don't care to call out) it's not similar in a way. That's a girl who thinks she's a baby, isabella's character is actually 'normal' and this is reality, not fictionalized. I wanted to clarify that up because I know the way people are. It's wattpad, there's no such thing as a fucking 'unique book' they're all the same.

No one's pov:

Saturday June 5th, 2016

They slept like the most clichést couples you would see on tumblr but their love was unique in a way no one would ever understand. Isabella slept on her side and justin had his arms around her securely, holding onto her as if someone was gonna take her away. They didn't dream about anything, just sleeping peacefully together.

You have two things going on that you would call their love, forbidden or age gap that simply means an age difference and misunderstanding. Sure justin was isabella's adoptive father yet isabella still considered him her step dad, he didn't know why but he didn't care, either one was fine. They're not blood related and it sure as hell isn't incest, that's a whole other thing but you don't know the way anyone feels and if a father loves his own daughter then let them have at it, stop being so quick to judge. Now the age difference was a bit off, isabella is sixteen and justin is twenty eight, that's a twelve year difference but there's nothing wrong with it, yeah in other people's perspective they'd throw unecessary words like, sickening, pedophilish, discrimination, prohibited or child molestation. She's sixteen, she's not a child for god sakes.

Justin never meant to actually let isabella know the way he felt about her but he couldn't help himself and she couldn't either. He knew it was wrong and he never wanted to take it too far because of the way it looked yet the only girl he ever wanted was isabella.

It all started when she was fifteen, justin watched her grow from a little adorable dancer who was the cutest little girl you would ever lay your eyes on to this teenager who developed bigger things than the normal girls. She definitely did grow in beauty, you had her beautiful big blue eyes curtained with long curly lashes, her bright pink lips, long gorgeous wavy hair, she is absolutely beautiful and justin's fear was that other immature guys would want to only go after her for one thing only because of isabella's beauty and that her chest was larger than other girls, you'd mistake her for an eighteen year old but your perspective would quickly change once you saw her short height. Justin did not want her heart broken so he prohibited dating, he wanted her all to himself and did not want a guy to come charm his way up to her, that was his job.

Justin was slowly developing little feelings and had his mind wonder off to other wicked things when she was in the middle of her fifteen years. He discovered them a little while back and sometimes had no shame in it yet found himself feeling guilty and that it was just preposterous.

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