Chapter 5.

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Omg woah almost 800 reads yasss. Thank you so much. I thought this book would receive only a hundred reads but I'm just fucking praising the lorttt. Another long chapter for my babes :) hope you enjoyyy.

*Some of things said in this chapter are from tumblr, so don't talk shit saying 'oh that's from tumblr, you stole that' I don't care because it's in my book to make all your panties drop. Chill. But let me make it a hundred and fifty thousand perfect clear that the sex scenes are mine and is not from tumblr. I stay original and won't ever take someone's work to incorporate in my book. Big no no.*

Tip: *so you don't ask me questions later in the book*
You have 72 hours (3 days) to take the pill so you won't get pregnant, it doesn't need to be taken immediately. So you're good for 3 days and have plenty of time and if you do end up getting pregnant then bitch that's your fautlt. Totally kidding but safe sex guys.

Justin's pov:

'Let daddy wipe those tears away.'

I worked my ass off fixing the financial problem that was going down and solved it. It was not a financial crisis and was not a big deal. Turns out one of my employees wasn't paying attention and fucking caused us to almost go all the way down, luckily I retyped a bunch codes my father left for me that was understandable, shockingly, into the computer and had my company running smoothly again. There's no fucking reason that it should've happened like what is wrong with people?! They know how to fucking piss me off. I'm gonna literally fire everyone by the end of the week and just work by myself since no one knows how to do their job.

There was a knock on my door and I briefly looked up thinking it was bella. I felt bad knowing I left her and thought she would be asleep by now, I swear I'll make it up to her tomorrow, I'm so fucked up. "Come in" more shit kept popping up on my computer and I was getting very aggravated with typing the same code repeatedly.

"Hello Mr. Bieber" I looked up not seeing my baby girl but only my other assistant, Taylor. Bellas probably asleep then. What does this bitch want?

"Shouldn't you be downstairs with emily? You know not to ever disturb me" like I wasn't agitated already with all of this mess.

"I know but this is really important" she smiled approaching my desk. Oh my god, I don't have the fucking time for a damn chit chat. She's about to be checked off of my list of 'firing people.'

"Well what is it?" I sighed, leaning back in my chair and making a motion with my hand saying 'let's get on with this' to whatever 'important' shit this was. I need to finish this and take bella home and should've done that hours ago.

"I just need to know something" she walked around my desk and stopped beside me, making me give her a weird look.

"Taylor what the hell do yo-" before I could finish my sentence, her psychotic ass jumped on me, smothering me in kisses. "What the fu-" she slammed her lips on mine and I tried pushing her off but she locked her arms around my neck, holding me in.

"You know you want this" she muttered, trying to make me grab her extremely small boobs but I pulled my hands away and was infuriated at this point.

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