Part 3 - A Broken Promise?

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Riley and Maya are both sitting down on a booth at Topanga's drinking a smoothie. Maya ordered a mango one, and Riley a strawberry smoothie.

Riley smiles at her best friend. "As much as I like hanging with Lucas, being with my best friend is always the best possible thing."

"Yeah," Maya says with a smile. She stops for a moment. "You know, we were so worried about what would happen after this whole triangle thing was over and now... Now everything's just how it's supposed to be." Right? Maya asks herself in her mind. " I wasn't sure what was gonna happen with the guys but I always knew you would be there."

"Always," Riley says and they both take another sip of their drink.

"So... How long are you going to have to wait for Josh?" Riley asks Maya.

"I'm actually not sure," Maya starts. "But I mean I know he's out there, and we're playing the long game so I'll wait for him for 5 years if I have to. But he's out there, he promised me that much."

Riley stares at her best friend then sees someone familiar out of the corner of her eye. She turns her head to see Josh with another girl walking through the door. She knows Maya can't see them since her side of the booth faces towards the wall, but Riley isn't even sure what to tell her. Is Josh really the type of person to break a promise?

She argues with herself for a while but then decides to tell Maya what she's seeing.

"Peaches?" Riley says with a worried look.

"Yeah?" Maya asks, completely unaware Josh is there.

"What if he had a date with someone else - or - I mean... What if he's not always out there?" Riley asks Maya struggling to come up with the right words.

"Riley, what are you talking about? He promised. Why do you look so worried?" Maya asks a little concerned.

"Turn around," Riley finally says.

Maya turns around and sees Josh and another girl at a booth talking and laughing.

"Oh..." Now she's the one at a loss of words. There's silence for a while. "Riles?"

"Yes, peaches?" Riley asks ready to do anything her friend wants.

"Can we go? I - I wanna leave," Maya says looking down, ashamed she tore down her personal, protective walls for Josh and just believed everything he said.

"Yeah. We can leave," Riley slides out of the booth and stands up; so does Maya. Maya looks back at Josh sadly and Riley grabs Maya's hand. The besties smile at each other. And they walk out together.

So what'd you think???? I know most of you are waiting for a lucaya scene but I feel like first I should really emphasise Maya and Riley's friendship. But still don't worry cuz everything that I'm doing is building up to a big Lucaya moment. I hope you enjoyed and you should go follow my friends @gamergirl260, @TheDivergentLoverFan, and @ILoveGamauAphmau! Also it might be a while for me to upload the next part cuz I'm sick 😷, sorry. Anyway hope you enjoyed! And remember, Plant Love, Grow Peace - Ariana Grande ❤❤

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