Part 9 - Hope

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Hehe btw guys Netflix might continue GMW. We might get a season 4 after all! And the ppl at Netflix aren't complete IDIOTS so Lucaya might happen huehuehue. Okay enjoy the story... 😜

Riley would NOT stop talking about  her and Lucas. It was like every little thing revolved around them  being together.

"Oh this dance will be perfect! I am going to have to look amazing and, well, he always looks amazing!" Riley had said one day as they entered their Spanish class. Maya just smiled and said softly "Yeah." She loved her best friend, but how long was she going to be tortured like this?

"So Maya," Riley said the next day with a little smirk. "Who are you taking to the dance?"

Maya sighed. "I don't know. I guess I'll go with Zay as friends since neither of us really have a partner."

Riley frowned. "I heard Zay is gonna be in Texas during that time. But Smackle's not going because she said she doesn't like  being around too many people. Maybe you could go with Farkle. As friends of course, " she added hastily. She began coughing.

"Yeah, I guess I could go with Farkle. You really need to go to the doctor or something because your cough is only getting worse, " Maya stated.

"I'm fine," Riley said avoiding eye contact.

"Spill it," Maya said recognizing the lie right away. "Why won't you just get your cough checked out?"

"Because if there is something wrong with me then my parents won't let me go to the dance. And the dance is tommorow! I can't miss it," Riley said.

The bell rang.

"We better get to class," Riley said and Maya followed her to health class.


"I love you so much, Maya" a very familiar voice said.

"What?" Maya replied.

"I love you more than anything else," Lucas said.

"But what about Riley?" Maya asked.

"What about her?" Lucas said as he got Maya by the waist and kissed her.

A million thoughts went through Maya's head. Why did this feel so right? And why was she such a terrible person as to kiss her best friend's boyfriend? Yet, she couldn't help herself. She didn't pull away. She never wanted to pull away. They were kissing so passionately, fighting for air. Maya put her hands on his neck and they traveled all the way up to to his hair. She could feel his light breath on her neck and then--

Maya awoke with a start. She sat up in her bed and rubbed her head. "It was just a dream," Maya whispered to herself. She had mixed feelings; was that a good dream or a bad one? Good,  the little voice in the back of her head said. She groaned and got dressed.

Today was the day or the dance. Did she even want to go? It would just hurt her more to see Riley and Lucas together. She was sure Farkle wasn't gonna mind if she didn't go. But still, a little voice in the back of Maya's head told her that she should go. Maybe it's fate, she thought to herself. She laughed and remembered Mr. Matthew's lesson. "Yeah, right," Maya  said as she finished brushing her teeth and headed out the door to Riley's house.

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