Part 4 - Fighting Fire with Fire

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The two girls are sitting on the bay window after coming back from Topanga's. They are both staring at nothing. Maya is wearing a very dissapointed face, displeased in both herself and Josh. Riley looks upset, hardly believing Josh would hurt her best friend like that.

"Maya? Do you want to talk about it? About him?" Riley asks, worried about how Maya will react to what happened.

"I really don't think there's anything to talk about, Riley. This is just another... thing. I'm okay," Maya says turning to her best friend.

Riley smiles sadly at her. "I'm really sorry."

"It's not your fault," Maya says shaking her head to say no.

"I'm still sorry," Riley says to her.

Maya turns to look out the window. There's a whole world out there, Maya thinks. Will it ever be ours? When will we be kings again? Or... Where we ever REALLY kings?

The girls stay silent for a moment. They sit there pondering about everything when Topanga opens the door.

"Hi, girls," Topanga says entering Riley's bedroom.

"Hey, mom. Is something wrong?" Riley asks.

"Nope. Just came to make sure Maya is going to my birthday party tommorow. It won't be the same without you," Topanga says to Maya.

"I wouldn't even think of missing it," Maya says.

"Good," Topanga smiles at her. "What about Farkle? I invited his parents"

"Yeah, of course he'll come. So will Zay and Smakle and Lucas. We'll all be there." Riley smiles at her mom.

"Great," Topanga turns to talk to Maya. "I invited Josh too, Maya. Is that okay?"

Riley looks at her best friend and Maya opens her mouth but no words come out.

"That's fine, Mrs. Matthews," Maya's finally able to say.

Topanga looks at the torn expressions on the girl's faces. "Did - did I say something wrong? What happened?"

"No, nothing happened," Maya states. "Nothing happened and we're okay."

Topanga looks at Riley who was staring at the floor. Riley looks up to meet eyes with her mother.

"Yeah, what she said," Riley says. "I'll make sure everybody goes."

Topanga gives them a small, sad smile and walks out the bedroom, shutting the door.

"She could've said something to help you. Why didn't you tell her, Maya?" Riley says.

"Because nothing happened. Nothing happened at Topanga's and nothing happened at the ski lodge. He's a fantasy, Riley. I was dumb to think fantasies could come true," Maya says convinced that's the truth. But she's half talking about Josh and... Half talking about Lucas.

"Maybe that girl was just a friend?" Riley says hoping it's true.

"Like how you and Lucas were just friends? Like how Ron and Hermione were just friends?" Maya says raising her eyebrows.

"Lucas and I always liked each other. And seriously? Ron and Hermione? That was just a book," Riley says.

Maya gives Riley a stare that could kill. "Avada Kedavra!"

"What's that? What are you doing?" Riley says confused.

"That means you're dead to me... And everybody else!" Maya shouts at her.

"OKAY," Riley says loudly while chuckling. "Maya, if you want to talk about Josh then just know that I'm here. And promise that you'll still go to my mom's birthday party even though he's going. The party's here at the house, so you can even come through the window to avoid him."

"Thank you, Riley. And I will come. But I am walking through that front door," Maya says confidently.

"What about Josh?" Riley asks.

"Seeing him with her makes me realize that I really like him. It makes me jealous. So I'm gonna fight fire with fire," Maya says with a smug smile.

"What are you gonna do?" Riley asks a bit concerned.

"Don't know yet but it'll be good," Maya says with an even bigger smile.

"Should I be worried?" Riley questions Maya.

Maya stares at her. "Anyway, it's getting late..."

"Maya?!" Riley says curious to see what her plan is.

"Good night, Riley," Maya calls while going out the window.

"Good night, Maya," Riley says realizing she won't get an answer. "I'll see you tommorow?"

"Yeah," Maya says from outside the window and then she leaves.

WHO ELSE CAN'T WAIT FOR TOPANGA'S BIRTHDAY? All you Lucaya lovers will get your big scene in the next part. Also comment down below if you got the Harry Potter reference thing. 😜 Anyway, you guys should go follow gamergirl260, ILoveGarmauAphmau, and TheDivergentLoverFan. Thanks for reading! And remember, Plant Love, Grow Peace, - Ariana Grande 😘

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