Chapter 6: Oh Darling

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Yay Chapter 6!! Sorry for a very long wait I just been so lazy, Song for this chapter is called Oh Darling by Plug In Stero Enjoy :) 

Louis's POV:

What the hell!!! I just kiss him and it was getting heated and oh god it was so hot. But I just needed to pull away, he can't find out about my feelings, I'll just tell him I was drunk and it was mistake. Yeah a mistake, a mistake that felt so good. 

"Hey, you okay Lou?" Liam said reaching the bar, I called the bartender to give me a beer and he nodded

"No" I said truthfully, What's the point in lying when I'm not okay!! 

"What happen?" he said getting a drink himself

"Oh just that I kissed Harry, and things got heated so I pulled away and left him alone at the dance floor" I said to him looking at him

"What?...Who's Harry?" Liam said confused, and I just really wanted to dig a hole and bury myself in it.

"Really Liam? He's the cruly haird lad, I told you to bring him backstage?"

"Oh right sorry, so you kissed him and?"

"What do you mean and?" I say to him looking confused, what the hell did he want me to say!  

"Did he kissed back?" He asks and I smile thinking about how he kissed me his soft, plump lips how he held me tight against his body, kissing back just as I was kissing him. 

"Well yeah, bu-"

"And you pulled away because?"

"Because Liam!! I don't know what's going on with me!! I only know him for two days!!" Which was ture and now look at us we were dancing together and kissing oh god I ruin shit 

"Lou? Hello" Liam said waving a hand in front of me, snapping out of my thoughts

"Oh right sorry, kinda zone out there" I said sipping on my beer 

"Yeah no kidding, so why are you freaking out? I mean Harry is pretty damn cute, what seems to be the problem?" He says taking a sip from his beer

"Ughhh Li, you don't get it!! I only knew him for like 2 days now and we already kissing? and its just, I don't know what to do!!" 

"Go talk to him" He says simply, if it was only that simple, yeah let me just go up to him and tell him hey sorry I kissed you but I didn't mean anything by it friends? yeah no that doesn't work out. He probably doesn't want to take to me. Heck I don't even want to take to me after leaving a hot guy on the dance floor!  

"No I can't do that"

"Why the hell not?'

"He probably doesn't want to speak to me, after I basically grind on him and kissed the living shit out of him! and leaving him alone on the dance floor with no explanation" 

"God Lou yo-" Liam starts but is cut off by a nervous looking Niall 

"Hey, you guys seen Harry?" Niall said coming up to us asking, he was looking around trying hard to breathe

"Wow!! Niall clam down deep breathe in and out, last time I saw him we were on the dance floor why?" I said getting up from the bar stool. 

"I can't seem to find him" Niall said looking over to the dance floor trying to spot the boy, I look as well and didn't see him anywhere 

"Do you have his number?" I said looking at Niall 

"Yeah I do here" he said as he told me Harry's number, I called and it was ringing on the fourth ring he pick up.

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