Chapter 8: You're my best friend

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Elloooo!!! I feel really good, I'm in a good mood so I decide to do a chapter! This is mostly a Narry moment chapter. I don't know why but I think we all need a little Narry yeah!? The song on the side is my favorite songs and it just reminds me of friendship so enjoy! 

Naill's POV:

When Louis called me that he found Harry and told me that he wasn't breathing, my heart stop literary I thought I was going to die. Its not everyday when you hear that your best friend might be dead! Louis's two mates took me back to the hotel, where they were staying at because I couldn't go see Harry. Not yet at least so that night, I cried, in Zayn's arms because I might have lost my best friend. The next day Louis had called and told us that he was going to be fine, but that he was still unconscious three days. It's been three days!! He hasn't woken up and I'm about to give up. I could lose Harry and I don't want that to happen. 

"Hey mate, I made you some tea" Liam said walking towards the couch, where I was slept last night. I didn't want to go home either because I'll be alone and I don't want to be alone right now. I haven't talk in three days. Liam and Zayn were getting worried. 

"Thanks" I said for the first time my voice cracking and raspy from not talking and crying so much these last pass few days. 

"He's going to be okay Niall" Liam said weak smiling at me, and sat down next to me

"How do you know that?" I said, looking down

"Because, Lou called this morning said that Harry woke up last night!"  He said smiling at me, and did I hear that right?

"H-he's awake?" I said and he nodded, I jump forgetting I had the tea and spill it some on me but I didn't care Harry's awake!!

"Liam!! Why didn't you wake me up!!" I said 

"You look peaceful, and you really needed the sleep mate" Liam said with a shrug and I smile at him

"You have to take me to the hospital!! like now!!!" He laugh, standing up and hug me. I hug back tighty 

"Thank you!!" I said to him, he let go and gave me a small smile

"You're welcome buddy, you would of done the same, if it was Zayn or Louis. Let me just wake up Zayn while you clean that up and get ready?" I nodded and started to clean the mess I made, Once I was done, I rush towards the bathroom and it was quite big I must say, the mirrors were big there was a white bathtub and attach to the bathtub was the shower. I took off my clothes and got into the shower letting the water run down my body. I relax at the warmth of the hot water, I took the shampoo putting some in my hair once I was done, I took the body wash Louis had and put some all over my body, I rinse my body and got out the shower, wrapping a towel getting dress into some gray jeans, blue collar shirt and my white tops. I change in the bathroom, once I was done I walk out to see Liam and Zayn ready. I smiled at them

"Ready?" Zayn ask putting his arm around Liam, I smiled at them and nodded my head 

"Yep, let's go" I said exciting, I just wanted to see my best friend. We got into the car that Liam had borrowed. I watch outside the window from the back seat, just watching the trees and cars go by. Smiling to myself that my best friend is awake and is okay. We reach the hospital as Liam park the car. We all piled out and walk into the front desk. A girl was sat there typing away, she look like she's 20 maybe 21? She was so beautiful, her glasses blocking the color of her eyes, which I really wanted to see. Her long black/brown hair was down curls at the end, but the rest was straight she finally look up and smiled at me and the boys behind me. 

"How may I help you lovely lads?" she said and I just stared into her big brown eyes, they were like Liam's, but on her it was more beautiful and her smiled, She was the most beautiful girl I ever seen!!

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