Chapter 11: All of Me, Loves All of You

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Oh my god, its been soooo long and I'm so sorry I didn't update, but a lot has been going on and I just didn't think about my stories. I literary forgot about them but lately I just needed to get my mind off things and the only way I can is by writing so here goes chapter 11 thanks for reading and sorry for the lame updates :/ Song for this chapter All of Me by John Legend

Harry's POV:

It's been a week since I got out of the hospital. I would have nightmares every night about Louis, and Dave. Niall would always be there to help me, he would hold me while I sob in his arms. Every nightmare would be the same. Always Dave killing Louis, sometimes it would be me, but mostly it was Louis. I haven't seen Louis since the day at the hospital. He's tired calling me, leaving me voice mails and text messages but I ignore them all. I was watching Tv, nothing good was on so I ended up watching Ellen. I was surprise to hear the guest that was there. 

My eyes were glued to the TV, looking at the boy I'm in love with smiling and waving to his fans. He sits down and they being talking. Then they show a picture of Louis and I holding hands back at the club and my heart skips a beat at how our hands are lock together. I listen to what is said next

""Now on to the single, its called It Is What It Is want to tell us who it is about?" she said smirking and I see Louis starting to get nervous he gulp and clears my throat. 

"Um...well....i-it about someone special to me, and I've um... we're not exactly on speaking terms so the only way to fix a broken heart is writing and I came up with the whole lyrics that night, and the next day took it to the studio to record and well I hope everyone enjoys it, and it's a song everyone can relate to" he says, and my heart was beating in my chest. He wrote another song? About me? 

"Well I'm sure that who ever has you're heart, knows that they are special to moving on dating or are you single?" and the girls scream at that he smiles sadly at them, and my eyes widen my heart stops 

 "Umm no, I'm single but someone has my heart" He says 

"Oh really? Does it happen be a certain someone, you was seen out with last week?" Ellen says, 

"Um what do you mean?" He says and his eyes go wide and fear?

"Well you were seen, with a mystery men cared to explain?" she says and the pictures of me Harry and I showed up with our hands interlock. 

"Oh, no...he's um, just a friend I met, nothing is going on between us, just friends"  He says fake smiling she nodded and move on.

My eyes well up as he sang the song he wrote, what broke my heart was when I saw him crying. Once the song finish he ran off stage. I turn my tv off and wipe the tears away. I was about to go to the kitchen, but I heard a knock on my door, thinking that it's Niall I got up slowly still recovering from getting beaten up. I got to the door and open it and what I saw surprise me 

L-Louis?" I say looking at him he looks up at me and gives me a small smile

"H-hi Harry can I come in?" Louis said, I just started at him blinking my eyes seeing if I'm dreaming or not. When I knew I wasn't I answer him 

"L-Louis what are you d-doing here?"

"I wanted to see you, and explain please?" He says begging. I look into his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes and I saw sadness in his eyes. I nodded and step aside, he smiled weakly at me and I followed him behind closing the door. He walk towards the soda and sat down. I followed and sat down pain shooting through my whole body

"You okay?" he asked worry and came closer to me

"Y-yeah still a little bruise here" I said pointing to my ribs, he look at my ribs and nodded still sitting close to me

"Harry?" He said  and  I look at him, his eyes shining with tears, he took my hand and interlock them together. Sparks ran over my body, oh how I miss the feeling of his hands in mine 

"Yeah?" I said playing with his fingers

"I'm so sorry" he said as a tear rolled down sorry? Why is he sorry?

"W-why are you sorry? You said so yoursel-" but he cut me off

"Please just, let me explain" He says and looks down

"Okay" I  said waiting for him to speak, he look up into my eyes, taking a deep breath

"Harry, I didn't mean what I said back at the hospital when I called you, I do feel the same more than I should. I love you Haza, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you this but I had a reason. Dave somehow got my number and message me, he said that if I didn't stay away from you that he'll kill you. I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't live with myself if something bad happen to you. The night at the club when I kissed you, I knew that I was in love with you, but I was scared because I didn't want to fall for you. You're so amazing, beautiful, and sweet. I don't think I deserve you, but if you give me that chance to be that man in you're life you been looking for, I promise you that you won't regret it. He finishes tears were streaming both our faces, I cupped his cheek and pulled him closer to me so our lips were touching. He closed the gap pressing his lips on mine and move them slowly on mine. I kissed back with more passion, I pulled away so we could catch our breaths. I smiled at him putting our heads together looking into his eyes.

"What was that for?" he said after a minute of just staring at each other

"Because, I just love you so much" I say smiling at him

"I love you more Harry" He says to me

"So,  it was all Dave? and all you were doing was protecting me?" I said, and he nodded

"Yeah, and I'm so stupid to listening to him, I need you to understand that I wanted to keep you safe. Now I understand that he isn't worth anything, you are you mean everything to me, I love everything about you, your eyes, your smile, your body, your hair, your laugh, I could go on forever. But give me that chance yeah?" He says and my eyes start to well up again

"You're perfect" He says, pecking my lips

"Louis" I say and he looks at me


"Be my boyfriend" He says cutting right to the chase, I look at him with wide eyes

"Are you sure? I mean I'm just a regular guy who's not famo-" I say but I'm cut off by a pair of soft warm lips, I kiss back and he pulls away

"Yeah Harry, I fucking love you so much, it hurts I don't care if I'm a pop star and you're a regular guy, that doesn't matter to me. Because I fell in love with you and only you" He says I look at him and smile

"Okay, I'll be yours, only if you be mine?" I say, he smiles at me his smile reaching his blue eyes. That's the smile I love so much, he move closer to him slowly so he wouldn't hurt me. He laid me me down on the couch, one hand on my hip the other on my cheek, I put my arms around his neck pulling him close our bodies were touching. 

"I love you" I heard him say as he whispered in my ear kissing my temple, my cheek, my jaw, down to my neck, he kissed it there lighty. I closed my eyes feeling his lips on mine. 

"I love you more" I say to him, he moves from my neck as he sings to me looking into my eyes, and mine start to tear up at the lyrics of my favroite song

"'Cause all of me loves, all of you, love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections, give your all to me, I'll give my all to you"  He kissed me again with so much love, it was perfect. He's perfect

Sorry it's short :/ I'm watching glee hehe

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