Chapter 16: Bleeding Love

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So guys here's an update, and I'm pretty much bored right now lol so I decide to do a chapter. Song for the chapter is Bleeding Love by the beautiful Leona Lewis!! 

Harry's POV:

Once I woke up from blacking out, I felt my hands were tied together and my feet were as well. I pick my head up adjusting my eyes to the dark room with the light above me. I look around and realize what happened. I was in my car about to go to the house when I was attack by someone. I started to panic as I was trying to free my hands, but I couldn't. Tears were already streaming down my face I was being kidnap and had no idea where the hell I was. I heard the door open and look towards it seeing a figure come. A evil smile was on his lips.

"Dave!" I said as he reach me

"Hello, beautiful" He said touching my cheek, I turn my head so he wouldn't touch me, digested by him touching me. He grab my face roughly and made me look at him

"I said hello beautiful" He said and I didn't say anything, my face turn when I felt a hard slap on my right cheek. 

"Now Harry, when I say something nice to you, I believe is suppose to say either hello or thank you? Now why aren't you listening to me baby?" I heard him say and I felt like throwing up. I wanted Louis but knew that wasn't going to happen. I miss him so bad, and it was only a few hours ago when I broke up with him. Now I'm here with my worst nightmare.

"I said to fucking say thank you!!" He said punching me this time on my left eye, my eyes began to water as my eye started to throb 

"Please Dave, let me go" I said my voice cracking, he united me but before I could escape he push me against the wall his hand on my throat, choking me.

"Where the hell do you think, you're going?" He slams me back to wall, my back hitting it hard, I wince at the as pain shot up through my spine. At least it wasn't Louis, then I would be living my worst nightmare for sure. If this was Louis instead of me.  I don't think I would live. I still love him even if he didn't believe me about his fans. Even after what happen between us, he's the love of my life and I can't live without him.

"D-Dave, I c-can't breath" I said trying to take his hands off my throat, but he was much stronger than I was. He put more pressure in my throat trying to get some air into my lungs. My hand was still on his. 

"I don't give two shits!!" He yelled punching me in the stomach, I doubled in pain as he punch me again in the stomach. 

"What do you want!! Please just let me go!!" I yelled 

"Now, why would I want to do that fag?' he says punching me in my jaw

"Please" I beg but that did help me push me to the ground and started kicking at my ribs

"I told you I wasn't done with you!!" He said another blow to my stomach and ribs. I clench my eyes shut tears running down my face as the pain to my stomach kept getting abuse

"Where's that boyfriend of yours? Hmm? He's not even here to save your sorry ass" He said picking me up and slamming me again. I wince once again, he grab my face and started to kiss my lips, I start to cry more as he kisses me wishing this wasn't happening to me. His other hand held a hard grip on my hips. I hiss in pain as his fingers dig into my side. He pulls away and kisses down my neck

"Oh, god Harry I missed you" He says and I'm disgusted at he started to grind his cock against me. Tears were streaming again

"Please, let me go" I said trying to push him off me but with the kicks and punches I was weak

"I don't think so love, If I can't have you, no one else can. Not even the that stupid pop star of yours" He said I was afraid of what he was going to do next. I needed to come up with a plan fast! While he was being distracted with my neck. I look to my right and saw a lamp. I look down as he started to unzip my pants I reach over and slam the lamp on his head. He fell to the ground, I took this as my chance to run and that's what I did. As I tried ruining holding my ribs, I saw two bodyguards. I cruse under my breath. I look around and saw another lamp. I grab it and sneak up behind the two hitting them both the the lamp. As they fell, I took the keys that he had on his pocket and ran out. I got to the car starting it and pulling out into the road looking back to make sure he wasn't following me. When I saw nothing I let out a deep breath and drove towards my flat I shared with Niall.  

Niall fuck! I hope he isn't too worried!! I push on the gas going above the speed limit. I got to the flat in no time. I park and with much force again I got out and walk to the door. I was so weak that when I open the door sure of hitting the ground, two arms warp around me before I black out I heard a voice yell out my name. 


I open my eyes slowly adjusting to the light in the room. I look around for a minute seeing I was in a hospital. I close my eyes again and open them I look to my right to see a blonde sitting on the chair next to my bed sleeping. He look like a mess his hair was sticking everywhere. My throat hurt as well as my whole body. I look to my right again seeing Niall waking up. I gave him a weak smile and he gave one back. He took his hand in mind giving it a squeeze

"How are you mate?

"I could be better" I say he laughs a little

"You really gave me a scare buddy. What happen?" He says looking at me as if saying "you're not getting away with this tell me now" look I sigh guessing he was going to find out sooner or later. As I was about to say something, someone walk into the room. I smiled looking at Jenny

"Hey" She says putting her arms around Niall's neck. I raise a eyebrow at them. She blushes and Niall looks up chuckling

"Oh yeah, Jenny and I are together" He says, a wide smile on his face

"Finally!" I says and Jenny giggles

"So, what happen mate?" Niall says putting his arm around Jenny's waist pulling her down on his lap. She blushes hiding her face in Niall's neck. Awww this is too adorable

"You guys are adorable" I says smiling at the happy couple. A stab of jealously hits me 

"Thanks, now stop changing the subject and tell us what the hell happen?" He says more serious, I sigh and look at them.

"Louis and I broke up because I told him about the hate I was getting from his fans, he didn't believe me so I got up and left him, not before saying that we were over. I was getting to my car and drove to a gas station, that's when I texted you. After putting my phone down I was about start my car but a hand smash the glass window and open my door putting something over my mouth. I didn't get to see who it was but I remember the voice saying something like I got him? I woke up a few hours later and I was tied up. I didn't where I was and I couldn't get the rope tied behind me off." I said taking a deep breath before starting again

"The door open and I- it was D-Dave" I said hearing Niall gasp

"No, how?" He said 

"I don't know Niall, but he beat me and tried to get his way with me but I hit him with a lamp and made my way to escape" I said looking down tears running down my face. Niall and Jenny got up wrapping their arms around me. I cried into their arms, wanting someone else arms around me. 

"Oh, Harry" Niall said bushing my hair while Jenny rub my back giving kisses to my head

"Please Niall promise me one thing?" I say to him pulling away, he look at me confused

"What is it?" 

"C-can you not tell L-Louis?" I said looking down at my hands, he sigh running a hand through his hair

"Fine" he says simply 

"And can you do me a favor?" I say to him and he nodded

"Can you send him a message for me?" I say and he nodded again

"Can you tell him to not call me or talk to me? Or even come looking for me?" I say closing my eyes repeating to myself that this is for the best

"O-okay, are you sure Harry?" He asks and I look at him with tears in my eyes I nodded not trusting my voice. He gave me a nod and took out his phone. This was it, It was over between me and Mr.Pop Star

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