Chapter 18: The Heart Wants What It Wants

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Song for this chapter The Heart Wants What It Wants by the beautiful Selena Gomez!! I love this song so much!! so here goes. Oh two more chapters than the epilogue!! :) 

Harry's POV: 

Niall came rushing into my bedroom telling me to go to this link, I laugh at him and got on it anyway as I was waiting for it, my mind went off to Jason. I met Jason at the bakery three months ago. He has brown hair and baby blue eyes and he was sweet and funny, I hate to say it but he did look a lot like Louis. But different personality, is wrong of me to be dating someone that looks exactly like my ex? I don't know but what I do know is that I still love Louis, and I feel bad that I keep leading Jason on. I sigh and type in my password going quick to link Niall gave me. It was a livestream? Of what? I was about to yell when I saw the camera switch on and my breathe hitch. It's Louis, I took a closer look of him and he look horrible but he still look beautiful in a way? 

His eyes were red, his eyes were baggy and his hair was sticking everywhere, his voice was cracking as he spoke. I stare at my screen looking memorize of the beautiful boy I love so much.

"Hey guys, Its me you, may know me or you may not so let me introduce myself? my name's Louis Tomlinson and I love to writing and singing music. These pass couple of months hasn't been my best. I guess you could say I was depress. If any one of you has ever been in love, than you know that one mistake can change every thing" He said looking down and my heart broke what is he doing?

"I been touring for a good six months now, and it's just about to end tomorrow. I have a show in about two hours, so I'll make this quick. I prepare you guys a song I wrote and like to sing it to you right now" He look down to his piano and started to sing the keys flowing with him. I had tears in my eyes, and so did he as he was finishing the song he weak smiled at the camera and spoke the words that made my heart skip and drop at the same time.

"It's just a feeling that I had and I'm sorry I couldn't be the one you wanted. I still love you and I still think about you every single day. I love you" He says as the camera goes off. My mouth is left wide open and tears were freely streaming down my face. I didn't know what to say, in that moment Niall open my door. I look over at him as he came and sat on my bed. He pulled in into his arms and I started to cry harder. 

"H-he still loves me?" I say to him trying to breathe. I feel him nod his head as he rub my back

"Harry?" I heard Jason say, fuck! I forgot he was coming over!! I look at Niall. He nodded and walk towards my door

"Hiya mate!" Niall says, I could tell it was fake he never liked Jason. 

"Hey, where's Harry?" He asks

"Oh, Harry's sleeping, he wasn't feeling too well today" Niall says I giggled a little before going under the covers

"Oh, is he okay?" Jason asks I smile he's always worried about me. It get's a bit annoying at times but it's cute when he is

"Yeah, just a headache nothing major" 

"Oh okay can I see him?"

"No, I don't think so he's sleeping" Niall says getting annoyed, I smiled at Niall

"Okay, I guess I'll go can you tell Harry I came by?"

"Sure will mate" Niall said walking him towards the front door

"Bye!" He says and walks back to my door

"Thanks Ni" I say to him, he looks at me and sighs. 

"What's wrong?"

"Harry, I don't mean to butt in but why are you with him?" He asks I look at him

"What do you mean, why am I with him?" Isn't it obvious?" I say to him

"Harry I know you're trying to replace him with Louis" He said sitting on my bed

"No! that's not true I move on from him okay!" I say getting mad at Niall

"Look, I'm sorry okay, but I just feel like you're not really into this relationship"  

"Well you're wrong okay! I'm happy with Jason, he makes me happy"

"Keep telling yourself that mate. Look I have three tickets and backstage passes to Lou's concert tomorrow for you me and Jenny, I'll leave one just in case you change you're mind about going. I know it was hard for you but it's also hard for him. Have you've seen how he looks now Harry?" 

"No, well"

"No, exactly he hasn't been the same since you broke up with him, he hasn't been eating and he hasn't been getting enough sleep" Niall says getting up and walking towards my door I look at him shock Louis hasn't been eating?

"Just think about it, goodnight Harry" Niall said looking back at me and closing my door just the my phone buzz. I look over to it seeing it was a voice mail. I click on it and my heart skip a beat knowing that oh so familiar voice

"Hi Harry, it's me thought I think you already knew that. I just need to say this and I know I might be too late but I can't stop thinking about you baby. Every night I lay awake thinking about you I think about your smile, and your eyes, and your hair. I just think about you okay? every second of every day. I miss you, I miss you so bad it hurts. I know you don't want nothing to do with me, I guess you found yourself someone who can make you happy better than I ever did. I guess that's what the heart wants huh? Were we meant to be? All I ever wanted was to find love and I did. Whatever happens just know that my heart will always belong to you because you have my heart Harry, ever since the first time I saw you at the hotel. I never meet anyone like you and I'm sorry for being such a dick, I guess you were also right about that too, I'm a selfish prick. Thank you for letting me love you Harry. After tomorrow night if you decide to give me one more chance I promise you that I won't be a fuck up. And if you don't and you're happy with the someone in your life than, I.....understand. I love you with all my heart. Goodbye for now or for forever.

The voice mail ends and I'm in tears what the hell am I going to do? All I can say is that night I cried myself to sleep for the first time I stop after I met Jason

"I love you too Lou" I said before sobbing into my pillow again 

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