Chapter 7: Vulnerable

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Okay I'm so sorry because I am SO BAD at updating!! I'm seriously sorry!! so please forgive me Here goes chapter 7, this chapter is decaited to the song Vulnerable by Vanessa Hudgens because its so good and sad and it fits this chapter. So enjoy,  the song is on the side if you want to listen and thanks for reading and again I'M SORRY FOR BEING A SHITTY UPDATER!! 

Louis's POV:

Harry phone rang and he look over to get it. His eyebrows were together looking confused, he swipe his hand looking at a text message, he froze in place and I began to get worried, he had this look of fear in his eyes. I get more worried when he isn' say anything, the boy I am so in love with yes I appect that I'm in love with him. After I saw him their lifeless when I found him, I just knew that I was afarid of losing him without telling him, how I really feel. I look at him 

"Harry? What's wrong?" I ask he look up at me and those green eyes had more than fear.  I look at him worried as he handed me his phone. I took it looking at the message.

Unknown Number: "Don't worry Harry I'm not done with you just yet!! Matter of fact this time it's going to be much worse, keep your eyes open darling ;)

I look at him in shock, who the hell is this person? and why is he saying he's not done with Harry? why is he trying to hurt my Harry, I-I mean he's not mine but oh fuck it! 

"Haza? who is this, and why is this person sending you this?" I ask him and his hand squeezes mine. I  realize that we were still holding hands, I blush oh Tomlinson  it's not the time to freaking blush!! 

"H-he" He started to breathe hard and I was getting sacred, is he having a panic attack? oh god no 

"Harry please clam down!! breathe for me baby!!" I said trying to clam him down, he look at me with wide eyes and I just realize I called him baby oh fuck! nice one Tommo real nice!! 

"Y-you called me b-baby?" he said his breathing calming down a bit. Thank god, I don't know what I'd do if he didn't

"I'm s-sorry I-I was just sacred, because you were having a panic attack, and it was the only wa-" But I was cut off by him

"Shhh it's okay" He said weak smiling at me, I gave him a weak smile as well 

"Harry, who is this person?" I said to him, he look down playing with my fingers, and than back at me green meeting blue he had tears in his eyes.  

"Oh Haza, don't cry you don't have to tell me" I said he shook his head

"I-I might know, who did this to me" he said playing with my fingers again, and butterflies erupted in my stomach, He was so weak and vulnerable and I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything was going to be okay. 

"Please tell me, sweetie" I said, and I just wanted to faceplam myself, he look up and smiled at me but it faded when he took a deep breath

"Almost three years ago, I was in a relationship he was amazing, he kept me from falling apart. He would always know how to make me smile, and laugh, and make me feel love you know, but than after our third anniversary together things got bad. He would go out late and come back late, I would always wait for him but sometimes I just gave up because I was really tired, this kept happening for 6 months and I kind of thought he was cheating on me? So one day, it was about 2am? In the morning and..." he stop, tears forming in his beautiful but sad eyes, I squeeze his hand and he continue, 

"I ask him if he was cheating on me, and I-I didn't know he was drunk, let alone on drugs. He got mad and punch me across the face, it was the first time he hit me. I was just so shock, I didn't know what to do. He told me that I was pathetic said that he wasn't cheating. But he did tell me that he was selling drugs, and I ask him why is he selling those kind of stuff and he said that he was doing this because he needed the money, well we needed the money, we were living together after all" He says looking down at our hands

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