Chapter 17: Broken

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Titles says it all songs for this chapter Broken by Lifehouse and Just a Feeling by Maroon 5 enjoy only a couple of chapters left and then I'm done with this story :( sorry for the lame updates

Liam's POV:

It's been six months! Six freaking months and Louis is still the same he was when we left. He hasn't stop calling Harry. After every show and every soundcheck he would be on his phone hoping that Harry would return his calls. He's been broken since the day we left. No one can mend his heart only Harry can but that was too late when Louis didn't believe him. I felt bad for Louis I never seen him this broken up before. I seen him and he hasn't been eating, he just gives us short answers as well. 

"I've never seen him like this Z" I said to Zayn as I saw Louis singing with passion, we were at soundcheck getting ready for the concert tonight. Zayn sigh beside me and warp his arm around me pulling me close to him. I rest my head on his shoulder, as Louis finish he went to check his phone again. He frown again knowing that there weren't calls or texts. I look at Zayn and he was staring at Louis with sad eyes

"We have to do something!! He can't keep this up Z, he hasn't been eating, he hasn't been sleeping, he's falling apart Zayn. I don't like seeing him this way" I say to him close to tears. Zayn warp his other arm around me as we stood there hugging. He kisses my head before pulling away taking out his phone. I look at him in confusion.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I ask he holds up on finger while putting the phone to his ear

"Hey Ni" He says and I know now what's he's going to do

"Yeah, everything's......." he says trailing off, I took the phone from him and put Niall on speaker

"Hey Niall you're on speaker" 

"Oh, Hi Li what's up guys?" confusion in his voice, I look at Louis to see he was still sitting starting at his phone. I sigh looking back at Zayn 

"Listen we need to ask you something" I say

"Yeah, sure what is it?" 

"It has something to do with Louis and Harry" Zayn says 

"Oh" he says sounding surprise

"Yeah, look we need to get them together because this is killing Louis literary" I say looking back at Louis seeing him wipe his tear away. I frown

"Yeah, listen about Harry" Niall says debating whether to tell us or not

"Yeah?" Zayn and I say 

"Harry's been, he's well broken guys. You know and I'm sure it has to do with Louis. But he's made it clear that he doesn't want anything to do with Louis" Niall says but I can tell that isn't all of it

"Niall, what's wrong?" I say before I can say anything Louis comes tears in his eyes

"I know why he hasn't called" Louis says looking down

"What?" Zayn says fearing the worse

"He's found someone else" He says his voice cracking 

"WHAT!!?" Zayn and I scream

"Um, guys? still here you know" Niall says through the phone, Louis looks up and takes the phone out of my hands


"Louis?" he says back

"Niall!! Please tell me it isn't true?" 

"I'm sorry Lou, but.." Niall didn't finish his sentence as we heard an all to familiar voice over the phone

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