Chapter 12: Don't Let Me Go

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Sorry for the long update, its 1:20 at night and I'm doing this chapter because well it is coming to a close. Just a couple chapters left, Okay enough about this, just wanted to fill you guys in. Thank you for actually reading this. I've seen it's gotten at lot of reads, so im happy about that Enjoy this short chapter, Song for this chapter is Don't Let Me Go by Harry Styles

Louis's POV:

Finally, I have him the boy who I'm madly in love with. He's all mine, I look at the sleeping figure that was cuddle into me my arms. His head laid on my chest and my arms were warp around him. He look so adorable while he sleeps, his month was parted and his curls kept falling into place. It was just so adorable, I was ready to close my eyes when I heard Harry whimpering, he starts to move around his eyebrows knitted together as I saw pain wash over his face.  

"No....please" he kept saying whimpering, I sat up a little to see his face fully. He was having a nightmare

"Haza? baby...wake up" I said shaking him a little but he wouldn't bundle, he move his head from side to side still whimpering  

"Please... stop, don't hurt him please" he said him? who is him? is he talking about me? I thought to myself I look down at the beautiful boy in my arms. His breathing was becoming hard as he tried to take a breath in. Sweat started to from on his forehead. I started to panic sitting up now. 

"Baby! Harry, wake up please" I said shaking him more

"No..STOP HURTING HIM!!!" He yelled as he jotted up from his position, sweat was dripping, and he started crying as he saw me

"'s okay, I'm here everything's fine" I said moving closer to him, he hug me tightlyas if he were to let go I would be gone. I rub up and down his back whispering sweet nothings in his ear as he cried in my arms, calming down a bit

"Want to talk about it?" I ask, he nodded his head and he pulled back. He took my hand in his, and  I gave him an encouraging smile, and he let out a sigh

"H-he I-I" he stop to trying to clam down and catch his breath, I rub my thumb against his hand.

"You can take your time babe" I say, he nods his head and takes another deep breath 

"H-he t-took you a-again, and I-I couldn't f-find you then I s-saw you laying on the ground, b-blood o-over you and h-he pulled a g-gun o-out and s-shot you and I-I-" He stop as a sob escaped his lips, I pulled him into a hug again. He hug me burring his face into the crock of my neck as he kept sobbing.

"Harry, who is he? Who's trying to get me?" I ask him he shook his head no, as if he didn't want me knowing who it was. His scared eyes said it all 

"Haza, please tell me who? I need to know so I can help you" I said and, he sigh looking into my eyes. Tears were still going down his face, I rub my thumb against his cheek whipping them away. 

"I-it was" he gulped

"Baby please tell me"

"I-it was D-Dave" he said looking down, I lifted his chin with my two fingers making him look into my eyes. He was having a nightmare of Dave killing me? Oh Harry

"Baby...that will never happen okay? I won't let anything happen to me or you, okay?" I said to him, he look into my eyes, his red eyes my poor baby. I shook my head Dave needs to pay for what's he doing to Harry

"Promise?" he says, looking to my eyes, I smile at him and nod my head

"I promise love" I laid back down, as he did as well putting his head on top of my chest. He took a deep breath finally calming down and look up at me.

"Don't let me go, Lou" He said in a weak soft voice, I smiled at him and kiss his lips filled with so much love. Showing him that I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. 

"Never" I said as we pulled away.

"Get some rest love, I'll be here in the morning, I'm not going anywhere" I said kissing his head

"Okay I-I love you Lou so much" he said putting his head back on my chest, I could tell he was falling asleep because I soon heard snores coming from his cute mouth

"I love you too Haza, more than you know" I say whispering knowing that he can't hear me. I rested my head in my pillow, pulling Harry closer to me. His arms tighten around my waist and mine did the same around his waist.  

"I'll never let you go, you make me strong" I said before closing my eyes

Harry's POV: 

It was morning, as I heard birds outside chirping I smiled to myself feeling around looking for a body. The body that I love so much, that kept me warm, and protected. I frown and  open my eyes seeing that there was no body next to me. I jotted from my position looking around looking for the one I loved to realize he wasn't in sight. A tear slip out of my eye, he left, I got out and walk towards my bathroom brushing my teeth. After I was finish, I walk back to my room putting in some grey sweats and a white t-shirt. I walk out my room going down the stairs. The house smelled like pancakes weird? Maybe Niall was cooking. 

As I walk into the kitchen, I saw a short figure standing by the stove, that sure wasn't Naill. It was Louis, so he didn't leave!! He really was here!!! I smiled to myself, and wake towards him kissing his cheek and warping my arms around his waist. He turns around smiling at me, his arms going to my neck.  

"Morning babe" he said kissing my lips, I kissed him back and I pulled away

"Morning to you" I said 

"How'd you sleep?" he ask, knowing about my nightmare last night. To my surprise, I had no nightmare it was actually a pretty good dream, this time it was about  Louis and I getting married and having kids. I smile at the thought of being married to Louis and having some kids of our own

"It was amazing, after you clam me down I had no nightmares" I said shrugging my shoulders. I walk away from him and sat on the counter that was by the stove. He turn off the stove and walk towards me, sliding in between my legs, he put his hands on my waist and my arms went around his neck, pulling him closer. I smiled at him, as he gaze into my eyes. I lean down and connected our lips together. They move in sync together sparks going everywhere. It's like every kiss we share is like the first. I smiled against his lips as he kissed my jaw and went to my neck. He was about to nibble it when a very annoyed Niall walk in

"Ew!, Get a room, please!" He says walking over to grab himself a plate and serving himself pancakes Louis made. I giggled and look down blushing, hoping no one heard me

"Did you just giggle?" Louis said 

"No" I said looking away from him

"Oh yes, you did, Oh my god that was adorable!!" he said kissing my cheek, I huff and got down from the counter, and stood next to Louis

" I love you" he said 

"I love you too" I say back looking into his eyes. 

So there you have it just a filter because well it is about to be 2:00 and I'm getting sleeply here and my foot fell asleep. So goodnight or good morning and I'll update soon maybe tomorrow don't know yet okay bye thanks for reading you guys are amazing even though you don't comment :( which is okay I understand well see ya sweet cheeks!! 

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