Part 3

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Lex's pov
I touch my face and feel it sting. What a bitch! Why have I fallen fall her?! I look to my left and see Gel with her head on my shoulder. I had a crush on Gel back at the mall, but that was history. I put my hands under her head and slowly lower her head onto the bench. She continued to sleep as I tip toe away to the front of the boat. I look out to the distance and see nothing, just water. This may be the last few days. I reach into my pocket. I pull out three pictures. One of Zan, one of Tai-San, and the other of Siva
" It's okay, I'll be with you Zan baby. And you too Siva. I don't know where you are Tai-San, but you are still in my heart" I whisper, they were very strong words coming from me, so I look around to see if anyone is looking. I see someone poke there head back behind the wall.
" Who's there? I'm warning you!" I yell at them, not knowing you they are. The person comes back out. It's Ebony.
" What do you want?!" I ask her, still pissed since she played that little stunt on my earlier.
" I just wanted to apologise" Ebony said.
" It's a bit late for that" I say, looking out at the ocean. I put my hands on the edge of the boat. I feel a hand on mine. I look next to us and see Ebony.
" I heard, your words, they actually touched my heart. Wasn't sure who it was saying it!" Ebony said smirking. I look up to the sky. Zan and Siva are in a better place. I know it.
" Siva loved you more than anyone, you know. More than me. I was a pretty rubbish sister" Ebony says. I look over to her. Tears were in her eyes.
" Siva loved you, I know it. But she did love me more" I say, smirking I put my arm around her, and surprisingly, she doesn't flinch.
" Your not too bad you know" Ebony said.
" You neither" I say. We look out to the ocean for a little bit until we hear a voice.
" What the hell do you think your doing Lex?" I turn around and see Slade marching towards us. He grabs my Arms and pushes me towards the end of the boat.
" Slade ! Stop it! We were just talking!" Ebony said, trying to get Slade off. But Slade is too strong for Ebony.
" Stay out of it Ebony!" Slade says. He pushes me hard against the wood, so hard that it kills. He finally pushes me again, and I fall over board.

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