Part 13

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Trudy's Pov

I am really happy that land is close. Food is going to run out soon, and there wouldn't be a future Brady or Baby Bray out here. I have the thought of Ebony for ages, and I don't know what was wrong, but something is bothering her.

Lex decided that we use the best of the food for the banquet to celebrate that land is close, and we all agreed. We were all getting seated at the small, old wooden table, and Salene, Ellie and I were asked to serve up the food.

"This is so unfair that Lex is making us serve the food!" Ellie said, and Salene and I both nodded.

"He jut thinks that women should do all the work, " I said

"Well, the foods ready, lets take it out!" Salene said, and we nod in agreement. We get out there and plate the food to everyone. We sit down, and start to dig in.

When everyone is finished, Lex stands up.

"A toast, to a new life, and land!" He said, and we all cheer. I decide to stand up.

"A toast, to Sammy, Lottie, Amber and Jay, we won't see two of them again, but we will not give up hope on the other two, cheers!" I said, and they all say cheers.

"Well, I guess we should start to pack up soon, I reckon the estimated time till we get there is a bit more than half a day!" Slade said, and we all cheered.

"Oh My gosh, thanks for telling me! I would have never finished packing if you told me any later!" Gel exclaimed, and we all laughed.

"What!" She asked, but we all just kept laughing.

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