Chapter six

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Maya's pov 

Maya's aunt when she had long hair in the slide

I get out of the shower to see Konner sleeping on one side of the bed cuddling a pillow. Which is kind of what's the word....... cute? but this is the schools player and he is cuddling a pillow.

I take another pillow off my bed to hit him with it but right before it hits him Konner grabs my wrist.

"That's not a good idea princess"  Konner mumbles tiredly.

"How did you know I was going to hit you with a pillow, because I am 99.9% sure your eyes were closed" I say confused and Konner quietly chuckles.

"I heard you shut your door and felt the pillow move, I knew you were going to try and hit me with it" Konner says looking up and I roll my eyes even though my cheeks are a light pink. 

I lay down in my bed not really caring if Konner is in it because it's a queen sized bed and it's big enough for the both of us.


I wake up with an arm wrapped around me and something pressed against my back. I turn to see Konner half smiling.

"Morning princess" He says and I push him off me.

"Morning" I say running a hand through my hair. 

"Maya someone's here to see you" My aunt yells from downstairs and my eyes go wide as I look in the mirror, don't judge.

"Maya you don't look...bad" Konner says and I roll my eyes.

"Gee thanks Konner" I say running downstairs.

When I get downstairs I see my childhood best friends Kayla and Chance but they are twins and all of us together, we were like brother and sisters then they moved away. 

"Maya" Kayla yells tackling me into a hug and I laugh.

Kayla and Chance both have blonde hair and blue eyes but when it comes to personality  they are completely different.

"Kayla" I laugh when I hit the floor and she laughs to. I get up and hug Chance.

"Wow Maya you grew up.... beautiful" Chance says and I smile.

"Thanks Chance" I say giving him another hug.

We get cut off by someone clearing their throat and we turn to see Konner standing there shirtless leaning against the edge of the staircase... Really Konner you couldn't put on your shirt!!!

"OH Maya's got a boy friend" Kayla exclaims and I burst out laughing.

"He is not my boyfriend" I say laughing and Konner frowns. "Kayla,Chance this is my friend Konner"  I say once i'm done laughing, when I say friend Konner smirks like he has just won something. 

"Hi Konner" Kayla says in a flirty tone and Konner's smirk gets bigger. I roll my eyes.

Konner and Chance do that stupid guy nod and we all stand in awkward silence.

"So what do you guys want to do today" I say excitedly to Kayla and Chance  and they both smile at me.

"Well we could go to the carnival?" Chance suggest and Kayla and I shake our heads no.

"Chance you know i'm afraid of heights" Kayla says and Chance smirks.

"Exactly" Chance says chuckling and I start laughing to but quickly stop when Kayla sends me a glares at me.

My phone beeps and I look at it to see I got a text.

Mason Crazy stalker guy - 'Heyy Maya there is a party at my place at 10 invite whoever'


I quickly typed back.  You see Mason has had a crush on me since kindergarten when  told him his hair looked like curly fries and that I love curly fries.

"Who was that?" Kayla ask and I put my phone in my pocket because I don't feel like going to a party.

"No one" I respond and she quickly snaches my phone from my pocket, I scowl at her with my jaw dropped.

"AHHHH!!!! A PARTY, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WEREN'T GOING TO TELL ME"  Kayla screams jumping up and down and everyone covers their ears.

"I think you broke my ears" Konner mutters annoyed and Kayla blushes.

"Sorry" Kayla whispers. "It's just this is the perfect way for Chance and I to make friends at our new school, Can we please go" Kayla says giving me a puppy dog face and I sigh.

"Guess we are going to a party" I say and Kayla gives me a hug.

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