Twenty two

13 1 0

Maya's pov

I get up at 6:30 sense I have to be ready at 7:30 and I am so excited.

I do my hair and put on sweatshirt and a pair of leggings. I put my hair in a high ponytail and look at the time while tieing my shoes.

it's 6:35, I did all that in five minutes? wow. Oh I forgot the important stuff, I need to brush my teeth and do my make-up. I put on light make up and quickly brush my teeth. I grab biscuit and put her inside of my everyday bag.

I threw my duffel  bag downstairs and walked down with my everyday bag to see my aunt looking at me with amusement.

"You didn't tell me you were leaving today" My aunt laughs and I nervously smile realizing I forgot.

"Yeah uh Ko-" I start but get cut off by the doorbell. I see Konner smiling at the door, he is really early.

"I knew you would be ready early so I stopped by to put your stuff in the truck, oh hi" Konner adds the last part acknowledging my aunt and she just laughs.

Konner was about to kiss me but I motioned to my aunt, but of course Konner being Konner kisses me any ways. I respond wrapping my arms around his neck. I see a flash in the corner of my eye and I see my aunt took a picture. I pull back and look at my aunt who shows me the pic.

"This is getting framed" My aunt says and I laugh. Konner just stares at me smiling.

"Beautiful" Konner mutter to himself but I'm not sure if I was supposed to hear it. I blush a little at his comment, staring into his brown eyes.

"We should go" I whisper and he nods grabbing my bag and walking it to the car.

I give my aunt a hug and she hugs tightly.

"Have fun baby girl" My aunt says giving me a kiss on the head and I smile.

"Of course" I smile walking out.

I sit next to Ryder and see Carson.

"Carson, what was up with your voice mail" I say arching an eyebrow remembering him saying something about me not talking to him. Carson facepalms while Konner smirks and Ryder bites his lip to keep from smiling,

"Nothing" They all three said, Even Ryder. 

"Where do Kayla and Chance live" Konner asked.

"They are going to meet us at the airport" I mumble annoyed and Konner frowns.

"Don't be mad princess" Konner says amused and I huff out in annoyance and cross my arms.

"I won't be mad when you tell me" I somewhat snap and Konner smirks.

"Take a nap, you look tired" Konner says and I reluctantly close my eyes because I am a little tired and annoyed.

"What Maya don't go, don't let sleep take over, It's been so long since I last saw you" Ryder fake panics and I bite my lip to hold back a smile, I let out a fake snore.

"Nooooooooo! I was to late, my sleeping beauty must be awoken with a kiss" Ryder says and the car jerks when Konner slams on the brakes.

"I dare you" Konner growls and Ryder holds his hands up in defense.

"I'll just ya'know find a new sleeping beauty, Uhh Maya you just Ya'know sleep, maybe someone else will save you" Ryder stampers and Carson and I laugh.

"It's okay Ryder I knew you weren't going to really kiss me" I laugh and Ryder smiles and whispers.

"I don't think he did" Ryder says pointing towards Konner and I smile.

"Konner babe, cars were made to move" I tell Konner who is still in possessive boyfriend mode.

"Right" Konner says starting the car again and now I fall asleep.

A couple hours later we are at the airport.

"Maya" Kayla yell giving me a hug and I hug her back.

"Hey Kay" I say. 

Konner's pov

I give Maya a long kiss, after pulling her away from Kayla of course, That girl has some grip.

Chance walks up right when Maya and I pull away and I instantly frown.

"I'm gonna go to Kayla and hey Chance" Maya says acknowledging Chance knowing not to hug him in front of me, I didn't realize how possessive I could be till Ryder said he would kiss Maya.

"Why aren't you mad" I ask narrowing my eyes at Chance once Maya leaves.

"Because when she finds out whats going on she will come running to me" Chance smirks and I roll my eyes. "I can't believe you are just doing this for money" Chance mutters and that's when I get angry.

"You listen hear and you listen good, That crazy brown haired adorable blue eyed tinker bell, She is my world, but I need that money for a good reason and it's going to break me to see her hurt, it's going to really mess me up when she decides not to like me any more, nothing and I mean nothing I have done with Maya has been fake and honestly I really want to beat the crap out of you and I mean bad enough to put you in a coma but my crazy brown haired adorable blue eyed tinker bell would kill me, so you are one lucky fluck" I snap at Chance who seems to have backed down a little.

"I'll see you on the plane" Chance says walking away and I clench my fist.

I really want to punch him. 

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