Chapter twelve

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Maya's pov

I re-read Konner's note over and over.

'I expect my question to be answered by 6:00 pm~ The love of your life Konner'  

It's so stupid one second he hates my guts and the next he wants to be friends and this was like two days ago... and now Chance, don't even get me started, he just got back from wherever he was and suddenly he likes me like wtf. 

I need to tell them both no and I have good reasons as to why.  I call Chance first and he answers on the first ring.

"Hey Maya!" Chance says happily through the phone and I feel bad for having to crush his bubble but I would feel way worse if I led him on.

"Chance, i'm sorry but I can't go out with you" I say quickly and I hear Chance suck in a breath.

"Is it because you like Konner?" Chance says with a lot of anger in his voice.

"What no it's just you just got back and I know nothing about you" I say getting annoyed that he automatically assumed I liked Konner. "I mean sure we were best friends but I havn't seen you in years and frankly people change" I add.

"Okay Maya, i'll talk to you later, call me if you need anything" Chance says with a sad voice.

"Bye Chance" I whisper hanging up.

Now comes the hard part.... The non-understandable,Cocky,Badboy, annoyingly a little smart~ Konner, the guy who gave me an exact time to answer whether or not I want to go out with him because he has never been on an actual date.

I call Konner and it rings a couple of times.

"Hey" I hear Konner's voice.

"Hi Kon-" I get cut off by his voice.

"It's Konner, sorry I couldn't take your call, I either ignored it or i'm doing something more important and on a really rare occasion I probably didn't hear it ring, so leave a message at the beep" The voice mail says and I groan annoyed.

"Konner help, something's wrong!!!" I scream into the phone and hang up, that will teach him a lesson, he will call back like 30 mins later and i'll already be 'hurt'.

two minutes later my phone rings and I see Konners name pop up.

"Maya where are you!" Konner yells into the phone and I can hear his keys in the background.

"Oh, um about that" I trail off giggling a bit.

"Maya" Konner says exaggerating my name in an angry voice.

"I didn't expect you to call back right away" I say into the phone defensively and i'm glad Konner's not in front of me because he sounds really mad and he is going to be more mad when I tell him that I wont go out with him.

"Maya whats going on" Konner trying to control the anger in his voice.

"Well I called and your voice mail is stupid by the way, and I figured you were ignoring my call so I left a scary voice mail and I wanted you to think I got hurt for payback and I'm sorry but you should have answered on the first call" I say not really sure if that made sense.

"Maya please tell you have a good reason for calling in the first place because i'm slowly losing my patience" Konner says annoyance clear in his voice.

"Well it's not exactly good news" I say biting my lip.

"Just tell me" Konner growls and now I know I must have interrupted something very important.

"Well the answer is no, I will not go out with you" I say crossing my arms even though he can't see me. After a long pause Konner responds.

"I'm coming over"

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