Chapter 24

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Maya's pov

"Konner what was that about" I ask still annoyed.

"He just wanted to see if you would let him treat you the way he treated everyone else, I didn't want him to like you but I knew you would burst eventually" Konner shrugs and I narrow my eyes at him.

"I could stay calm if I wanted to" I defend myself and Konner laughs and hugs me.

"I don't want you to change, I find it quite amusing when you get mad, It's what makes you tink" He says pinching my cheeks and I scrunch up my nose. This boy.


Konner and I were sitting on a dock close to the lake house just talking and asking questions.

"Why didn't you want your dad to like me?" I question and Konner sighs.

"What was your nightmare about the other day" Konner challenges and I frown playfully.

"Fine, don't answer the question" I respond crossing my arms and Konner smirks.

"Curiosity did kill the cat" He says running a hand through his brown hair and I bite my lip.

"No the cat was being stupid, if anything curiosity is being framed" I retort and Konner gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Whatever" He whispers and I smile.

"Is Toby going through treatment?" I ask Konner and Konner nods.

"I need to pay for it though because my mom can't afford it and my dad won't pay, I need the money badly because if I don't come up with the next pay by the end of this month, He won't be able to do the next treatment" Konner says and I nod.

"Konner I'll pay for it" I smile, all he had to do was ask.

"Maya that would come out of college money" Konner says shaking his head and I laugh.

"I have over a thousand scholarships and this is sophomore year, I have enough money for college" I say and Konner eyes go wide.

"You are really willing t-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Of course I am willing to pay" I smile and he smiles back but it's not full on happiness it's a mixed emotion smile.

"Maya I need to tell you something" Konner says and I nod.

"Go on" I say after a moment of silence and Konner sighs.

"Where do I st-" He gets cut off by another voice.

"Guys we have been looking for you everywhere" Chance and Kayla said walking towards the dock and I laugh at there in sync ness.

They sit next to us followed by Ryder and Carson.

"We were just talking" I smile at them and Konner just looks at the lake annoyed. I rest my head on his shoulder and he visibly relaxes.

"Guys we were going to play truth or dare if you guys wanted to" Kayla says and I perk up, I really like truth or dare but the last time I played I ended up kissing Reece. 

"Sure, No" Konner and I said at the same time. I give Konner my best please look and he sighs.

"Fine but we can talk later yeah?" Konner questions and I nod while they all sit beside us.

"Maybe instead we could just enjoy the view" Kayla says looking out into the distance. The reflection of the moon shines in the water and everyone is silent. 

"Nah this is boring" Ryder says interrupting the moment and we all laugh.

"Okay fine then truth or dare it is" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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