4: Girls All the Way

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It Started With a Dare || Cake♡

Chapter Four: Girls All the Way!

Ashton POV♡

It felt weird to be hurt by something fake. But was it, was it really fake?

"Ash?" Michael clicks his fingers in my face and I turn to look at him
"Hm?" I mumble and he rolls his eyes.

"You kinda zoned out" he says back in a sassy tone as if I was stupid.
"Alrighty then" I say back.

"Give my kiss back Luke!!" Michael and I turn around to see Calum chasing Luke around in a circle, both of them laughing their asses off.

Michael laughs and turns to me with a huge grin on his face. His face falls when he realises that I'm not laughing.

"You okay?" He asks nudging me and raising an eyebrow. I shrug and then with all my will-power I grin at him.

"Give my kiss back Michael" I mock Calum and we both start laughing even more and hold onto each other to stay standing up.

After we stop laughing Luke and Calum come over to us flustered and puffing. Those guys were out of shape... Nah kidding...

"So that was cute" I laugh and Calum and Luke smile at us.
"Not as cute as Mashton we heard over here" Luke cocks his head at us.

"Yeah we heard everything" Calum laughs.
"Good because we were mocking you" Michael pokes his tongue at them.

Calum leans into Luke and I feel my heart stop and I hold my breath.

Michael pulls my arm and he pulls me to go into the building.
"Are you crazy!" Michael hisses to me as we make it into the building.

"What?" I mumble which makes him laugh weirdly.
"You like Calum," he says and I laugh, "Irwin are you kidding me?"

I laugh again as we go down a hallway with no one in it.

"No I'm deeply in love with Lu- I mean Calum" I laugh which makes him stop in his tracks.

I messed it up... He will know now. Not that I do? Do I? I don't. No I don't.

"So what? You do or you don't?" Michael asks and I shake my head.
"I don't," I answer nudging him into the wall, "girls all the way" I cheer which makes him chuckle before he keeps walking down the hallway, I follow after him.

I have no feelings for Luke, not now and notever... I hope.

°°° °°° °°°
Calum POV

We follow after the other two boys but Luke stops to tie up his laces that to me look fine. We listen to the conversation the other boys are having. We only hear the last bit with Ashton but that only makes Luke sigh.

"Come on" I grumble and Luke stands up and puts an arm around my shoulder.
"Smile" Luke says to me flicking my face with his finger.

"Stop it Hemmings" I groan and he laughs as we start walking through the hallways to our dressing room.

After walking around for a while, just Luke holding onto me, we make it to the dressing room.

As we make it to the dressing room door, I hear laughter from inside.

"And you guys can't go a night without them making out in one of their beds, so you have to play halo?" I hear a very Irish voice laugh loudly.

"Yea" We hear Ashton laugh back.

My cheeks start to heat up. Luke laughs awkwardly and opens the door and slowly we walk in.

All eyes turn to us, and I look to find Michael and Ashton sitting with Harry and Niall whose faces were red from laughing.

"Hey, Cake" Ashton says winking at us, Michael laughs at our awkwardness.

"Hey Niall and Harry" Luke says and he tries to remove his arm but for some reason I hold onto it.

Ashton notices and whispers to Michael who shrugs and whispers something back.

Niall and Harry don't say anything but keep laughing at something.

Ashton stands up to us and pulls us into a hug.

"Niall, Zayn, Liam and Harry are huge believes of Cake but Louis is kind of sceptical" he whispers before letting us go and he skips out of the room.

Luke sighs in relieve and we walk over to the other boys.

"Where was Ashton going?" Luke asks as we sit down next to Michael facing Harry and Niall. I let go of Luke's arm and he pulls off and gives me a cheeky grin.

"He's going to find Louis to play on the go-karts together" Michael answers and he pulls out his phone.

"Oh, I want to do that" Niall laughs and hops up to follow Ashton out of the room. Harry has his phone out as well.

I lean into Luke to whisper to him when I hear a camera go off.

"Sorry I just had to" I hear Harry say and I lean off Luke forgetting what I wanted to say to him.

I pull out my phone as well, when Luke does and we all stop talking to each other.

The occasional laugh or whisper of voices went through our dressing room.

"I can feel the hate of Cake going through my phone" Luke mutters and I nod.

The picture Harry put on the twitter was not going well for the fans.

I felt bad. We were lying to the fans and I didn't like Luke... That way. I mean he is my best mate. But it feels kind of weird to 'date' him.

I'm. Not. Gay.

I've thought of being gay before but just like Ashton said before, I agree I was a girls man too.

Girls all the way,
just like Ashton.

°°° °°° °°°

You have to remember it's a Cake fanfic... Cakey :))

If this offends anyone I'm so sorry!! 

THIS IS DEDICATED TO MIA <3 And My readers and voters so far agh!! Thank you guys <3

Sorry it's so short!!! :(

LASHTON!!! COME BACK!! Ashton how could you >:(

Am I rushing this to much?? :O

Sorry for mistakes, I wrote this on my phone :/ :)) I'll edit later :P

My legs are dangling off the edge,
The bottom of the bottle is my only friend...

Anyway Comment your favourite ship couple ?

~Cat x

It All Started With a Dare ♡ CakeWhere stories live. Discover now