23: In My Dreams|| Cake♡

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It All Started With a Dare || Cake♡
Chapter Twenty-Three: In My Dreams.

It's the last day on earth

In my dreams (my dreams, my dreams) In my dreams (my dreams, my dreams)
It's the end of the world
And you've come back to me
In my dreams

In my head I replay our conversations
Over and over til they feel like hallucinations
You know me, I love to lose my mind
And every time anybody speaks your name I still feel the same
I ache, I ache, I ache inside
-Last Day on Earth

|Michael POV♚ |

When we get to Vegas again, Niall parks by a shopping centre.

"I'll see you later, text me where you are I'm just going to get money" he tightens his scarf and gives me a small.

I get out of the car with Ashton and we close our doors at the same time.

It was about 7 at night and no one was really out in this part of town.

We cross the road and say goodbye to Niall as Ashton drags me away, quite forcibly.

"Why here?" I groan as Ashton pulls me into a small cafe tucked away in between buildings.

"So no one can find us" Ashton mutters and we walk into the warm cafe.

"Heyo, we're closing in 30 minutes so order quickly" some waiter says as we make our way to a table in the back.

"Alright we got it" Ashton says and salutes and the waiter laughs.

He clears a few tables as we sit down and go quickly through a menu.

"I'll have caramel milkshake" Ashton sighs and I shrug.
"I'll have coffee" and Ashton nods and zones out.

He's been doing that a lot.

Zoning out, I mean.

In the car and now here, in the cafe.

"So, have you guys picked" the waiter, who has brown eyes and dark hair, asks.

When Ashton nods slowly the waiter frowns.

"What's on your tail" he asks and I cough and shake my head slightly.

The waiter quickly turns to me and fakes a grin.

"I'm Ross, I'm your waiter for today" he smiles and I give him a small smile in return.

"I'm Michael and that's Ashton, could we please have-"

"Caramel milkshake and a coffee please" Ashton interrupts me and Ross nods and quickly scribbles it down.

"Sugar?" He asks to no one in general and Ashton raises his eye brow at me.
"No thanks."

Ross walks off quickly and Niall walks into the shop, with a hoodie covering his hair and glasses covering his face.

He sees us quickly and walks over to us.

"Hey Niall" Ashton says and Niall ignores him and turns to me.

He pulls another chair to the table and now he's so close I realise he's crying.

"It's Luke," Niall sobs.

"What?" I say leaning to him and Niall leans into me crying into my shoulder.

"It's getting to me" Niall whispers.

"Why?" I whisper and Niall shakes his head.

"What if the surgery goes wrong?" Niall leans up and looks at Ashton who's blinking back tears.

It All Started With a Dare ♡ CakeWhere stories live. Discover now