17: Roller Skating The Day Away|| Cake♡

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It Started With a Dare|| Cake

Chapter Seventeen: Roller Skating The Day Away.

Calum POV

I snuggle into Luke and he doesn't say anything, and just flings his arm over me.

I now feel bad for interrupting Lashton...

Oh god I didn't think Lashton was a thing with our fans.

Didn't know they had a ship name for it.


I close my eyes tightly and I think Luke does the same thing and we slide easily into each other when our curtain is pulled open.

"Holy fuckness!" Niall squeals and I move closer to Luke, "ah yer so cute."

I smile into Luke who breathes steadily.
"Niall," I hear Michael yawn and I imagine a jealous Ashton angrily laying next to Michael thinking of ways to kill me, "we have to get changed so you might want to wait outside."

Niall laughs and I hear his footsteps leave the room.

"Alright," I hear Ashton stand up then, obviously angry, he pulls the curtain shut for Luke and I and I grin into Luke, "let's get ready."

"You do that," Michael groans, "I'll sleep more."

"Get up Clifford, you too Hood and Hemmings we are going to do this skating shiz now up!" I hear him walking away and Luke smiles at me slightly.

"He's gay" and he cracks up, and I let go of him.
"So are you Hemmings" I roll my eyes and he shrugs.

* * * * * *
Soon we are all standing in front of the Roller Skating Rink with the One Direction boys.

"So does anyone know how to... um skate?" Niall asks us cheerfully.
"We all do Niall" I say and he laughs.
"That's great, some of the boys don't so you can help" he says and I hear Josh groaning.

"I don't want to skate" he mutters as he comes up next to Niall, "or learn."
"Oh come on Josh I'll help you" Ashton says and I feel Luke stiffen next to me and I put my arm over his shoulder.

"Fuck him" I hear Luke whisper to himself.
"Come on Lads" Louis shouts and we all follow him into the rink, some more willing than others.

"It's a private lesson so no one is here because the boy cancelled because he was busy" Harry tells all of us.

* * * * * *
Soon we all have our skates on we are ready to get in the Rink.

"Ash if I bloody die," I hear Josh saying to Ashton as we follow behind them to go on, "I'll blame you!"

"Calum, if you die I'm not going to your funeral" Luke mocks Josh and I laugh.

"I'd rather have you there" I say and he smiles back at me.

"I will, I'll be the person who talks the most and has a boring speech" he answers and I laugh.

We get into the Rink and we start by holding onto the wall.

"Dare you to let go" I say to Luke who grins and easily let's go and starts skating fast, I follow him and we past everyone.

"Hey!" I turn around and stop when I see Louis and Zayn come up to us, as fast as we were going, maybe faster.

It All Started With a Dare ♡ CakeWhere stories live. Discover now