32: Morning After

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It All Started With a Dare || Cake♡

Chapter Thirty-two: Morning After.

|| Calum POV☯ ||

I remove the girl’s hand and I close my eyes.

“Are you asleep, Cal?” She asks after a while of silence and I open my eyes to peek at her and she’s smiling softly at me.

“No,” I mumble and she tries to rake her hand through my hair, but I stop her quickly, “please, don’t.”

She looks taken back but sighs.

“Do you regret it?”
“Too be honest, I can’t remember what we did.”

She laughs, before placing her hand on my face.

“Do you even remember my name?” She asks and I shake my head, making her hand slip off my cheek. “Well, it’s Eva.”

“I don’t care,” I reply.

“This is weird.”

She laughs again, but it doesn’t sound fake or annoying.

“I can’t believe we slept together,” I mutter and she coughs and nods.
“It was pretty great.”

“Shut up.”

“I don’t know why you’re being such a fucking rude, right now…” She says irately.

“Because I wish I didn’t sleep with you,” I reply sadly, falling back into the pillows.

“Because…” I run a hand through my hair and look over at Eva, who’s lying on her back too.

“It’s about someone else, right?” She asks.

I tightly close my eyes and nod.

“So are you going to go get your princess and save the day?” She asks and I open my eyes again to look at the ceiling.

“I want too,” I answer and add, “but why did he say, Ashton’s name?” I whisper out, before I could change my mind.
“Did you say, ‘he’?” She asks and I nod, not looking back at her. “Who was he then?”

“He’s in my band.”

“And he said Ashton’s name, while…?” She taps my shoulder and I look over at her, and realise through the blur that I’m crying.

“It sounds stupid, but I was giving him a blowjob and he-.“

“Oh, and he said, Ashton’s name,” she wipes some tears off my face. “Well, if it makes you feel better, he probably regrets it as much as you regret having sex with me.”

We stay silent for a while before Taylor Swift, Mean, starts blaring out through the room. Eva sits up and gets up, showing me that she’s not wearing anything but a t-shirt. She gets out of the bed and goes and finds her phone, which was in her jacket pocket, which was probably thrown on the floor in an hour of lust.

“Oh, Caity,” she answers the phone and holds one finger out to me, as if to say, wait a minute.

I sit up and button up my pants, before sliding out of the bed. I wipe my eyes again, and bite my lip.

I have to suck it up, I’m going to confront him today and he’s going to have to tell me.

I find my shirt on the ground and try to fix it before pulling it on. Eva is still laughing on her phone and I walk passed her into the hallway, trying to fix my hair as best I can. She doesn’t stop me so I just keep walking.  

I find Ashton before I find anyone else and he’s sitting on the couch eating cereal. He’s watching a movie with other people, who look as bad as I do and I can feel the headache coming, from all the drinking and I’m happy that other people are going through it too.

He spots me and waves me over.

“Hey, Cal,” he calls and I wince at his loud voice. I walk over and join him on the couch. “You okay, you look like you’ve been hit by a truck,” he whispers, once I’m sitting next to him.

“It’s been a tough after party,” I answer and he ruffles my hair.

“I’m still insanely mad at you and I’m going to kill you if you say anything about Luke,” Ashton says after a few minutes, “but I realised that I missed you too much, to stop talking to you.”

“Thanks, I guess,” I reply and he laughs at me and we turn back to the movie, playing on the screen and some girl sits down next to me but we don’t talk and I like that.

Nearing the end of the movie, we’re watching, the one where the girl falls for the prince charming and he hates her and then they somehow fall back into love when she tells the truth and blah blah blah, Michael sits on me and I jump in my spot in surprise.

“Don’t speak,” Michael mutters, “I’m so tired, I cannot wait to go to La.”

Ashton as some point had walked away and I just realise and push Michael to where Ashton was sitting before.

I ignore Michael and soon he gets so into the movie, I have to laugh, which I regret because it hurts.

It’s when the movie ends and someone puts on, Friends with Benefits that I punch Michael on the shoulder and tell him to stand up and come outside with me, which he unwillingly agrees too.

“Tell me again, why we have to talk outside,” he complains as we walk out into the backyard, where the mess of red solo cups is horrendous.

“Because, Mike,” I reply quickly, “I need to get this off my chest, I had sex last night, but not with Luke.”
“Yeah, and while I was giving Luke a blowjob, before I had sex with a girl, he called me, Ashton.”
“Well, isn’t that just great…”

Michael grimaces at me and pats my shoulder softly.

“This was supposed to be fun, not create more drama,” he grumbles to himself and then he sighs. “We need another band meeting ASAP”

I grin at him, without meaning to and he pats my shoulder again.

“Let’s go find those other two idiots that make our band,” he tells me and I follow him back into the house, trying not to stand on any cups and failing sadly.

“I am so fucking sick, of this Cake drama,” Michael grumbles loudly as he grabs my arm and pulls me through the house, “I mean, if you like him, then fucking fuck him.”

“I tried, and he called me Ashton,” I try to defend myself and he waves me off.
“Stop answering, I’m talking to myself.”

I nod and let him pull me along.

✗✗ ✗✗ ✗✗
[hope you like the picture of the two boys on the side, at the vma's]

OOhhh Band Meeting motherfucker. 

[Calum's nudes were leaked and I feel bad for him tbh.] 

I changed the cover for this book? I'm really happy about it. :) 

Oh btw I'll update again soon. :-) [I already have the next chapter written. 

-Cat x

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