16: Bus Nights|| Cake♡

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It Started With a Dare|| Cake

Chapter Sixteen: Bus Nights.

Ashton POV

We all stand outside the house with our bags as we wait for the tour bus to come pick us up.

Josh and Niall had left, making Luke a little happier but I didn't ask why he just kissed me and kept close to me, and I like it.

Luke. He is finally mine.

I felt like I was on cloud 9 with him.

"Ashton," some clicks their fingers in front of my face and I blink in confusion, "you zoned out the bus is here." Then I feel as Luke, the owner of the voice, pull me to the bus with my bags.

"Thanks Lukey" I say and he shrugs.
"Hurry up" is his reply before he jumps into the bus, I go in after him with my bags.

As I make my way through the bus I throw my bag on one of the spare beds and my suitcase on it as well. I make my way to the back room, to find everyone there.

"Hey Ash" Michael waves and I wave back.
"Hey Michael" I grin.

I see Jade and Evie sitting next to each other and I raise an eyebrow.

"Why are you guys with us?" I ask out of curiosity.
"My sister is in California so why not come with you" Evie says and Jade shrugs.
"I want to meet Evie's sister" Jade smiles.

"Can't argue with that" I reply.

I sit next to Luke and he connects our hands together and I swear I hear Jade whisper to Evie, 'Team Lashton bitch'.

I turn to Luke and he smiles at me. I place my lips on his and he smiles into it.

"Are you and Josh just friends?" Luke suddenly asks as I pull away from the kiss.
"Yeah just friends" I quickly answer not thinking about it.

Josh is only a friend, a good-looking friend but still a friend.

Nope, I love Luke and only Luke.

"Why?" I ask and he shrugs and we pull apart.
"Just wondering" he looks down at our joined hands awkwardly. I sigh and cuddle into him and his free arm goes around my shoulders.

"So anyone want to watch a movie?" Michael pipes up and there is a cheer of voices. That's when the bus starts to move.

"Okay," he answers and stands up and goes to the Tv which is connected to the wall and looks though the DVDs cupboard, "um... Lion king?" He asks and everyone cheers, and I mean everyone.

He laughs and agrees before putting in the movie and jumping back, falling/jumping mean the same thing, into the couch where Evie cuddles up to him on one side and Calum on the other.

Jade pulls out her phone and a small smile forms on her face.

I cuddle more in Luke and turn my attention to the movie.

In the middle of the movie, I look around the room to see Evie leaning on Jade, while they look at something on their phones.

Michael and Calum are cuddling into each other and are focus on the movie and giggling at it.

I roll my eyes and sit up, looking at Luke who looks wore out.

"Hey sweetheart what's wrong" I ask quietly and Luke turns to me.
"I'm really tired, that's all" he answers quietly as well. I press my lips to his forehead and he smiles.

"I'll take you to bed" I say and stand and at that moment the bus goes through a bumpy patch on the road and I fall on top of Luke, who laughs.
"Maybe I'll take you" he winks and I laugh and roll off him.

Then this time Luke stands and helps me up not letting go of my hand. As we walk away Michael snickers.

"Please keep the moans to a minim." And Calum smacks him, which makes Jade and Evie laugh.

Good old Calum.

"Will do" I say and Michael laughs.

We open the door and quickly shut it before walking down the hall to our beds.

I take my pjs from one of my bags which we all leave on the spare beds, Michael and I get one and Luke and Calum share one, because their are four of us and six beds. I close my bag as Luke opens his.

I go to my bed which is across from Luke's on the top bunk and quickly change out of my jeans and shirt and change into my sweat pants.

I jump down from the top bunk and find Luke sitting on his in his batman boxers and matching long-sleeved shirt.

I stuff my clothes back into my bag and zip it up before moving back to my bed.

As I go to my bed, Luke coughs and slides into his bed and making enough space for me to slip in.

"If you say so" I laugh and he nods blushing lightly.

I draw my curtain shut and go into Luke's bunk and once I'm in I close the curtain and turn to face him.

"Night babe" he whispers and he wraps his arms around me and i put my face in his neck.

He smells good, like caramel.

I kiss his neck and he giggles.

"That's tickles" he laughs and I smile into his neck and close my eyes. I open them again when I feel his lips on mine.

"A goodnight kiss" he yawns once our lips detach. I kiss his nose and he sighs happily before I nuzzle back into his neck and listen to his steady breathing.

I really love Luke Hemmings.

I sigh and tears of happiness start to leak from my closed eyes and I smile.

My life is so good.

I let the tear continue down my cheeks and they land softy on Luke's neck making his arms go tighter around me.

My life is so so good.

I listen to Luke's breathing and I fall asleep.

With one thought:
I must be the luckiest boy in the world right now.

* * * * * *
"Holy shit!" Someone squeals and I cuddle more into Luke who seems to be still asleep.

"Lashton for the fucking win!" Someone else screams and I close my eyes tighter when the curtain opens all the way.

"Awe they are so cute" the first person says again and I hear Michael's laugh.

"Fucking cuties" he says, "and if we want them to still be cute we better shut up." I hear Calum laugh at that.

A smile creeps onto my face when someone closes the curtain.

"I'll sleep in Ashton's bed" I hear a girl say, I'm still tired, shoot me for not knowing who people are.
"I'll sleep with Cal" I giggle quietly at Michael saying that.

"Don't be silly, I'll sleep with Calum it's easier" another girl says, must be Jade.

Soon they stop moving and yelling and get in their beds.

"You know we could have just moved the bags off the spare beds" Calum says and everyone shushes him.
"Too late now" Michael says back.

After that everyone goes quiet and I go back to sleep.

* * * * * *
"Babe," I wake to the sound of Luke's voice. I groan in response and hold onto him, not opening my eyes, "I really have to go pee."

I laugh but I don't let go of him. If I did, he wouldn't come back. Well that's what I think right now...

"I really really have too" he laughs and I grin into his chest.

"Too bad" I murmur and he chuckles, and then my stomach rumbles like a fucking volcano.

Well, awkward.

I blush all over my body when Luke cracks up.

"Hey, love birds" I hear Calum yell from under us, sounding irritated.
"Shut the hell up" I hear Michael finish for him. They weren't happy.

I let Luke roll on top of me and carefully jump off the top and I follow him off.

Luke goes off to the bathroom and I pass him to the kitchen, which is really just a mini fridge, two counters with cupboards and a microwave.

I open one of the cupboards and pull out a bag of popcorn.

Because why not?

I close the cupboard and walk back to the bed area to find Luke already back in bed sitting up on his phone.

"Hey" I whisper as I stand next to the bed awkwardly.
"Get in" he says and I grin before I crawl up into the bed, still holding my popcorn.

I pull the curtain closed and Luke turns off his phone and places it back in his bunk wall pocket.

I open the packet of popcorn and Luke helps himself to it and before I know it we finish it.

"That was quick" I say and he shrugs and takes it from me and stuffing it with his phone in the wall pocket.
"It's only 4 am" he says and I yawn, as if answering his unasked question.

He opens his arms for me and I gladly cuddle back into him.

"Do you love me" he suddenly asks and I look up at him. His eyes are closed and he seems almost asleep.

"Of course I do" I murmur back and place my head next to his on the pillow and he opens his eyes slightly.

"Yay" he grins and I feel him move one of his arms from around me to hold one of my hands, "I love you too."

But you don't love me like I love you.

The blanket keeps us warm but I like Luke and with him it feels warm enough but still the blanket is on top of us both.

We both fall asleep at the same time and I can't help but smile when he snuggles into my bare chest.

* * * * * *
"Fucking Lashton-"
"Calm down Cal"
"I can't he's with him and he should be with me!"
"But it's all fake-"
"But to me it isn't"

I open my eyes, and close them quickly when the curtain is yanked open.

"WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTIES" Calum screams, "we're going roller blading."

"As in skating?" I groan and roll around to see Calum smiling weirdly at me.
"Stop smiling it's weird" I groan and he laughs.
"It's too early for your shit Calum" I hear Luke say behind me and I laugh at him.

"Ah well the One Direction boys wanted to roller blade so what the hell here we are" Calum says, ignoring Luke.
"In the middle of fuking no where" I hear Michael groan and I want to high five him.

Michael knows how I feel in the morning.

"Well come on!" I hear Niall say as I hear the bus door opening.

My eyes widen and Calum pulls me out and I jump into Michel's bed and pull the curtain shut as he groans.

I hear Calum jump into the bed with Luke and I feel jealous, a fucking angry jealous.

I wish people knew it was Lashton that's real...

I wish people knew that I love Luke.

But maybe Calum does too...

Ah I'm confused.

°°° °°° °°°

Hai :3 haha

I tried to not make this confusing.... If I did I'm so sorry...

Don't shoot me, but I totally made this a Lashton chapter... But there was Cake...

What I meant in the End with Niall was because Niall thinks Cake is real (all the One Direction boys do except Louis...) and he was coming onto the bus and Lashton was cuddling together.

Ashton and Luke are dating. :o
Who likes who:
Calum likes Luke.
Luke likes Calum and Ashton.
We think Ashton might like Josh but we know he likes Luke.
(Luke and Ashton are dating!)
Michael likes Evie.
Josh most probably likes Ashton.

Okayyyyy Ship time:
Which ones?
Lashton or Cake or Jashton/Joshton or Evichael/Michive ??? What about Mashton? Haha :) what about Jade and Evie (someone had a really cool ship name... Sorry:) )

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(These Notes are long whoops)


It All Started With a Dare ♡ CakeWhere stories live. Discover now