15: What Team|| Cake♡

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It Started With a Dare|| Cake

Chapter Fifteen: What Team?

Michael POV

Once Calum and Luke leave the house Evie turns to me with an annoyed look on her face.

"What is up with those two" she sighs and ruffles my hair.
"What do you mean?" Jade asks.

"I'm just so confused, like I'm so confused are they really dating?" she says, "I'm sorry I'm talking bullshit."

I laugh a little at her rambling and she whacks me in the shoulder.

"Okay truth time" Jade says and I raise an eyebrow at her, "I trust Evie she's cool."

"Alright tell her" I say and Jade continues to tell Evie all about the dare. But she doesn't say anything about Lashton, probably because she doesn't know.

After Jade finishes Evie laughs, her perfect laugh.

"All a dare?" She questions as she laughs, "I don't believe it."
"Neither can I to be honest" Jade says and I shake my head at them.

"They aren't dating anyway Luke's dating Ash-" I choke and I look at Evie and Jade who are gaping at me.

Damn. I don't know if I should have told them that.

"No..." Evie says and turns to Jade, "I'm team Cake."
"Now thinking about I'm team Lashton" Jade replies and I frown as I think.

What am I?

Team Cake ?
Team Lashton ?

"What about you?" Evie asks and I shrug.
"I'm a Lashton fan because they are actually dating" I start rambling and Evie silences me by rolling her eyes.

"It's like saying you ship Me and you if we are dating even though you and Jade were madly in love" She explains and I sigh.

This is just some confusing story. Made up by some girl and making us the main characters. But I know that's not the truth, because this is real life.

"I guess," Jade says and quickly adds, "and Ashton is always with Josh and I would never guess they were dating but-"
"That's the point it's supposed to look like Cake are dating" I say and she looks down.

"I know that's why I'm team Lashton because they can hide well" she answers back to me.

"Almost like there is nothing there" Evie says and I shake my head.
"There is something there" I say and I find myself telling them about finding Ashton is the closet.

"Okay can I slowly move into team Lashton" Evie laughs, "but I'm pretty sure Luke is not totally fond of Ashton that way."

"Are you crazy did you hear that story" Jade asks.
"I know but that's Ashton" Evie says back waving her off.

"I know what she means" I say, "and Ashton is always talking to Josh or someone and is always like I can't explain" I stutter and the girls nod along.

"Yeah... Do think Joshton will happen?" Evie suddenly squeals.

"No, because when Ashton is out with Josh or whoever Luke worries and misses him meaning Lashton is real" I explain and Evie and Jade both start thinking and I quickly add, "Luke gets jealous pretty easily when Ashton is out with Josh though."

"I think it's called Jashton" Jade says after a minute of silence, ignoring me.
"But Joshton sounds better though?" I find myself saying back.

"If we're team Jashton or Joshton then we can't be team Lashton" Jade says to me and Evie laughs.

"Yeah, people always ship Muke, Mashton and Cake all at one time" I reply making her laugh.
"Muke that's a thing?" She laughs and I shrug.
"Sometimes it's Mucus" I reply and she cracks up.

"Gross!" Evie giggles and a blush forms on my face.

It's better when it's me that makes Evie laugh.

Calum's POV

It takes a few minutes until we reach a cafe tucked away in a corner of a busy street. No one seems to be in there and we quickly get inside.

After what I had said Luke hasn't said anything and has let me lead him to this cafe and no fans have stopped us.

"I'm sorry" I whisper as we sit down at a table at the back.
"For what?" He asks and gives me a little smile.

"For telling you what I did, you could never like me back" I whisper back and then a waiter comes over. Luke looks down and frowns.

"Hey guys, I'm Ross what do you guys like?" He says and smiles at us, me more than Luke.

"Hey man can we please get two coffees" I answer and he raises an eyebrow but doesn't interrupt till I finish.

"Black or regular and sugar?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Regular for both, but in one can you put three sugars and for another one can you please only put one" I say rather quickly.

"Ah okay I'll be back soon" he says and winks at me before rushing off.

"He was gay" Luke says and I kick him under the table.
"What the hell dude" I say and he presses his lips together.

"I mean he likes boys, dumb ass" he replies, "as in he likes you."
"Oh, I could tell" I say and he laughs.

Luke is really perfect,
Luke is taken by someone better than me.
Luke isn't perfect,
If he was perfect
I wouldn't want him.
But I do.
I really want him.
Point is, Luke is perfect.
I hate it because I'm not.

"Why don't you go date him then!" Luke says irritably.
"Because I'm bloody dating you right now" I sigh and he laughs.

Well, I wish I was.

"Whatever, sorry for being angry I just miss Ashton he's always hanging with Josh" Luke sighs and scratches his eyebrow.

"Aw poor Lukey" I coo and this time he kicks me under the table making us both laugh.

The kick helps take about the feeling that I feel in my heart.

"Here are your coffees" Ross comes back with our coffees and a piece of paper.

"Thank you" Luke says and takes one of them, the one with one sugar written on it, and I take the other, with three sugars, and Ross slips the paper with mine.

"Do you play any sports?" He asks as we sip our drinks, Luke makes a snort sound before winking at me.
"I played soccer" I answer quickly hoping he would leave but he doesn't.

"I snow board, skate board and play rugby maybe one day I could teach you as a date" he smiles at me and I want to vomit.

"Ah, thanks for the offer but I'm dating-" I begin to say before Luke interrupts.
"Me, he's all mine so buggar off" Luke smirks at Ross who rolls his eyes and takes the paper out of my hand and walks off.

"Thanks" I laugh at Luke and he grins at me.
"No problem, sugar bear" his voice goes high for a second and he smiles at me.

"Sugar bear really?" I laugh at him and he laughs too.
"I was just trying it out" he shrugs and I laugh some more and shake my head. Then we drink our coffees in silence.

"Where'd you want to go next?" Luke asks when we finish our coffees and I shrug while waving over Ross who doesn't look happy to come back.

"Can we have the bill?" I ask and Ross sighs and nods.
"I'll be right back" as he goes Luke reaches for my hand and we join them together.

As Ross comes back, Luke looks away and Ross stares at our hands and smiles.

"You guys are cute" he comments and I quickly take out my money and pay the bill.

"Thanks" I say and I stand up with Luke next to me.
"If you had told me earlier I would have backed off" he laughs and I give him a smile.

"Well, bye" I say and Luke waves our entangled hands.

"Come on sugar bear" I say as we walk out of the cafe and Luke laughs.

"Okay sweet pea" and we walk outside and just start walking.

"Sweet pea? That's a great one" I grin and he nudges my shoulder with his.

"OH MY GOD! LUKE! CALUM!" Someone squeals across the street and in a minute we are surrounded by a group of girls.

"Are you on a date!!!" Some one screams and another girl pulls me into a selfie, I try to smile and she takes it.

Luke doesn't let go of my hand and we continue to take pictures until one girl tries to rip Luke away from me, pulling on his arm.
I turn to see him falling and I catch him mid fall, his eyes wide and scared.

"Okay, that was mean" I say and everyone stays quiet as I reconnect Luke and my hands.

"Sorry" the girl screams and I wince.

"Well, we took pictures with you," Luke says and pulls me behind him, "we have to go."

Soon I catch up to him and we swing our connected hands.

"Are you okay?" I ask as we near a soccer field.
"Damn that girl had a strong pull," he laughs nervously, "thanks for catching me, Cal."

"All good" I grin back at him.

"Wish they wouldn't do that" he whispers and I nod.
"I'm just happy you're okay" I say and he nods.
"I'm all good."

As we reach the field we sit down under some shade of a tree.

"So Michael and Evie are pretty cute-" I grin and he laughs, then his phone starts ringing.

"I shouldn't answer it" he says awkwardly.
"Just answer it, it's annoying" I laugh and he smiles at me before picking it up.

I could only hear his side of the speaking.

"Oh hey babe."
"I'm out with Cal, on our date."
"Fake date."
"Oh god you are perfect."
"Shut up Ash, that's gross!"
"I love you too."
"I love you more!"
"No! I do!"
"Whatever, you win."
"If you lose, I win and you have to buy me dinner."
"Okay bye."
"I hate you too."
"Bye Ashy Bear."
"You're gay as well."
"This is why I love you, maybe"

I smile when he gets off the phone and he shrugs at me.

"He's weird" Luke laughs and I smile.

"Why did he call you?" I ask and he grins.
"Wanted to know if I could bowl" he answers.

"Didn't sound like that" I raise an eyebrow and Luke laughs.

"Most of time we were fighting" he laughs.

"Want to head back?" I stand up and help Luke up who shrugs.


"I'll piggyback you" I say and he grins.

As he hops on I start running which is kinda hard with Luke on your back.

When we are around ten feet away from the house Luke swaps with me and I go on his back without a discussion.

"This date was fun" I say as we reach the door.
"Yeah it was thanks Cal" he says and I jump off his back as the door opens to reveal Niall.

"Hello" he grins.
"Hey Niall, where's Josh and Ashton?" Luke asks.

I knew he didn't like those two together.

"Josh is showing Ashton something on the drums" Niall replies and we walk into the house.

"Oh" is all Luke says and he sighs before walking in and Niall raises a eyebrow at me.

Whatever. This is Luke and Ashton's problem.

I sigh and I start walking to my room. I had to go pack.

I didn't feel like doing any packing though and I just spread out on my bed thinking.

I would need to talk to Luke soon, because it was clear to me, Luke needed to be mine.

Mine and only mine.

°°° °°° °°°

I'm So confusing and in sorry!! In the chapter before Evie didn't know about Cake being Fake and she saw Jade and Calum holding hands...

But if anything in here is confusing: just comment and I'll help out :3

It all makes sense in the end though... I hope

The Cake date was pretty causal :-) I like that. Hah
But it was totally cute!!! And that Ross guy... Kinda a creeper.

Okayyyyy Ship time:
Which ones?
Lashton or Cake or Jashton/Joshton or Evichael/Michive ??? What about Ross and Calum? (Oh god heh)

I liked writing the Lashton phone call ahah ;) it's up to you to think about what Ashton was saying hah :)

Who likes who:
Calum likes Luke.
Luke likes Calum and Ashton.
We think Ashton might like Josh but we know he likes Luke.
(Luke and Ashton are dating!)
Michael likes Evie.
Josh most probably likes Ashton.

Comment :-D

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It All Started With a Dare ♡ CakeWhere stories live. Discover now