A stranger enters

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Life is really unpredictable. The life in this modern world is like walking on. Unexpected things happen.Thus the Life of Farhana was put to hell within a span of one month. Here goes her peaceful life turning into a tsunami....

Day 1:

It might be called as a moderate day, but to me today is a new start. We moved to this house yesterday. Its in the middle of the street. And you have a main road at the north end and a shops, cabs and everything at the southern end. You can call it a house of comfort for a family with an average income. We have a freindly neighbours too and the main reason was we were all mostly Muslim peoples with an average income. We have a tiring work of house cleaning to do. So as a start I opened the windows and the blinding sunlight blured my view so I quickly drifted my eyes and accidentally made an eye contact with a guy who was in the house adjacent to the opposite house. I can tell he is older than me but not more than a couple of years. I waited for him to drop his gaze like boys usually do. But he was not showing any signs of doing it so my face started to heat up and i dropped my gaze. The rest of the day went on the cleaning chores.

Day 2:

I am totally excited as my second semester of my new college starts today. My college is just normal and doesn't have anything special. But still first days are always exciting. I have to walk north towards the main road to board my bus. I have to cross nearly 5 blocks to reach there. I was taking note of the new place as I walked. A sudden roar of a motorbike made me automatically turn my head to find the same guy working on it. It must have an starting problem. As I was examining the bike the boy looked up and it was like a lighting bolt shot through my spine when our eyes met. I was embarassed as he caught me staring. I relaxed only after getting into the bus. As always the college went enthusiastic. We were endlessly chatting. I prayed as I came home and my mom was saying how welcoming the neighbours were. And so the day ended peacefully.

Day 3:

As I got down from my college bus after a normal day and I turned on hearing a grating noise of a gate to find the boy leaning against the wall casually and again I lowered my eyes after an awkward moment.

Day 4:

I went to the terrace to collect some stuff and turned to a whistle to find the boy staring at me intentionally. I didnt have any expression to make as I blankly turned away wondering whether the boy whistled or was it someone else.

Day 5:

As I went out of my house my eyes automatically drifted to the boy, making some noise as usual to find him smile at me.My harmone jumped in alarm as I rushed into the bus. This disturbed me for the whole day.

Day 6:

As I entered my house I glanced at his house to check whether was that smile yesterday intented for me. He was grinning at me in triumph. Did I just let the guy take advantage of me!!! With that thought I decided not to look at the guy again even if the world fell apart.

Day 7:

The opposite house's portico was surprisingly free of the guy. As I marched towards my bus in relief. My heart stopped to find the guy waving at me leaning casually on my bus. A lump formed in my throat. It was like I was doing something wrong. But what can I do? He is the one who must feel guilty.

Day 8:

Today is Sunday which means I could chill. I tried my level best not to get struck up with the guy again and buried myself inside my house. I hated that I had to make a low profile for this guy.

Day 9:

I panicked to see the boy starting to walk besides me. Should I run was my first thought but then I hit the entrance of the bus and i entered it and then only I remembered I had forgot to breath and when I glanced back to see the boy arguing with himself.

Day 10:

If the guy takes any other step I am going straight to my parents. But surprisingly I didn't find the guy anywhere around in the morning. With relief I went to college and when I reached there it was a panic attack cause the guy was standing in the entrance of my college.

"Assalamualaikum" he said. I walked away ignoring him but muttered walaikumussalam to myself.

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