59 Friday - Aug 5, 2016 | 12:38AM

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My sweet, sweet, sweet darling Dei.

Ah, why must your message be so short? I thought I would read descriptions of how your knees buckled and your toes curled in pure delight while reading my last hot narrative. But alas, there wasn't any. ☹️ Kidding.

Yes, please, can we revive our chatroom sexy times? If you can't handle nightly, then I'm fine with how often you want to have a salacious chat. Just please, darling, let's chat again. 🙏🏼

I'm a good boy now, anyway, aren't I? Not only do you get them more often, you also get it steaming hot! 🔥

Anyway, you're probably asleep so I'll write again in the morning. I just want to let you know that I think I now have a pretty good idea of how it would feel to have your lips on mine. I just do. Damn, I just want to kiss you for real.

Miss you so much,

PS: What was your surprise anyway? You didn't say in your last message. I am well now, you know. 😚

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