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  I saw you as you laughed and I swore that no matter what, I would make sure that sound always fell from your lips

I loved how every time you stepped outside you turned your face to the sun, almost as if you hoped to catch its glow

I counted your freckles one by one, you said you thought they looked like dirt specks, but I adored each and everyone of them,

As I held you when you cried away your grief, I couldn't help but smile. because I was the one that you came running to

I loved that scar you got from falling down the stairs, or that odd little bump on your nose, because it made you real, and so may times I couldn't believe you were mine, living, and breathing.

The sky used to be incredible to me, but now?

I'd rather look at your eyes, and one day, I might even catch the exact moment they change.

I could live without the sky, but to live without your eyes would be true darkness for me.  

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