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There once was a girl who drawn to the stars.

And I don't mean drawn like the soft curves of a penciled "S" that follows another penciled "S" as the word "Toss."

The entire situation was anything but soft, it was brazen and electric, like the snap of a tree branch during a summer storm.

And this caused the girl to be restless.

Like the quick, even steps of a pacing man.

The stars unintentionally and perhaps it was never even supposed to happen, but they enraptured her, they had stolen her heart and completely consumed her soul.

So, that any other thing was now pale and bitter when compared to her bright and vibrant night sky.

She felt as if she almost understood her silent companions; their solitary stance, their arms so inviting and yet, so impossible to reach.

She fancied that one day she'd build a ladder from her dreams and heartbreak, because surely there was enough of both to build a ladder to the sky.

When the sun shone proudly, she felt  paralyzed and mute.

But, when darkness threw its inky coat around her shoulders, she welcomed it.

Her mind rose from the pitch and the chains that held her voice, broke and turned to dust at her feet.

And thus she lived. 

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