It Should've Been Me

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To The Boy:

Where are the stars?
The last I saw them was when they danced in your eyes and now it's dark, I don't see them anymore.

Every little song reminds me of us, every chorus invokes a sense of what should've been.

Every summer night, the frogs create a rhythm that brings a flood of memories shared, infinity's created, and the secrets we whispered.

I wasted every wish on you. Every first star, 11:11, and four leaf clover were said in your name.

Do you know how many nights I stayed awake?  Thinking of you, and hoping you had someone to hold you close?

I had always wished you would come home.
To us.
To me.

I begged on your behalf.
I pleaded with the sky for one more chance, ten more minutes to say my words.

But no.
It should've been me.
It should've been us.

When people asked, I always said "it didn't matter, as long as he's happy" 
And I smiled and nodded, and when you brought her with you, I smiled and told people she looked nice and she was pretty, but every time you looked at her I died inside.

Why was she in my spot?
She shouldn't be holding your hand and making your dimples deepen.

She shouldn't be your support, the one who knows your hurts and regrets, that was my job, remember?

It should've been me.

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