Code name : RUN

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Chapter 1

I wake up way to early on a Saturday morning. I pick up my small, old- fashioned alarm clock sitting next to my bed, it reads 6:23 am.

" Ugh" i moan

" Dakota?" my mom yells from her room

" huh?" i yell back

" why are you up so early? Its a saturday and you have that party tonight" she asks

" yea I know, and I didnt try to. I just ... did" i say'

" well try not o make alot of noise, I want to get another 2 hours of sleep" she says

" kay" i say

I change into a pair of jeans, a t-shirt from a band i dont even like anymore, a leather jacket, and my huge, brown boots that go up to my knees. I charge down the stairs and walk out the back door.

I walk towards our barn. We have way too many chickens, 2 pigs, 3 cows, and 5 clysdale horses. It's really cold outside, also cloudy, it looks as though it might rain.

'' But I have a party tonight!" I shout '' cant a 16 year old girl go to a party without being drenched!'

the sky rummbles

" i guess not" I say " but Mia and Stel arn't gonna be happy, their dad only filled the outdoor hot tub''

Mia and Stella are my best friends. They bathe in money and have everthing. They always have perfect hair, and have hot boyfriends. But their not stuck-up like you think they would be, actually their not real girly either, well Mia is somewhat. This partys gonna rock! Just Mia, Stel, our other friend Avery, and I. Perfect.

I change the dial on the radio to 163.5- the best country station in Seattle. See, im not that girl who collects shoes, chews gum every second of every day ( ok..... maybe I do that), or fangirls over One Direction. Im the girl who reads Si-Fi books, constantly talks about Harry Potter, who spends more time with her horses than doing her hair, and who's not afraid to get her hands dirty.

I pick up our landline on the cobb-wed coverd wall, and dial Mias number.

'' The Waterloo residents'' their butler Pimberly says '' how can I help you Miss. Dakota?''

" hey Pims, are either one of the girls gonna be busy today?" i ask

"Im afraid so, Miss Mia has a gymnastics meet and Miss Stella has a date with Garret" he says

" oh'' i say " what time should I come around tonight?"

" around 7:00 pm would suffice" he answers " and I think I should tell you that the girls invited Easton and Garret. "

I thought this was finally time I had alone with them. Easton is the big wrestling star at Elenor High. We go to Jefferson High so she rarely sees him. Garret is his twin. Hes the star news reportar and is really dedicated to his work. Twins dating twins. Funny Thing. I . Am. Speechless.

" well im gonna go now, have a lovely day Miss Dakota, I will see you this evening" he says

" ok , yup, bye" i say and hang up the phone.

Sometimes I feel like im gonna die sad and aline. And if not, with 50 cats drowning in cat food. Everybodys Got Somebody But Me by Hunter Hayes comes on the radio

"I wish the couple on the corner would just get a room

Seems like everyone around me is on their honey moon

I'd love to take a pin to a heart shaped balloon

Everybody's got somebody but me

Well I don't know how I landed on this movie set

It's like a casting call for 'Romeo and Juliet'

I never would have noticed if we'd never met

But everybody's got somebody but me

And I miss you

without you I just don't fit in

I know we're through

But I'm wishing we could try it again

I hear loves songs playing on the radio

And people slow dancing everywhere I go

Well I'm a good slow dancer but you'd never know

Cuz everybody's got somebody but me (yeah they do)

Everybody's got somebody but me''

I sigh " I feel your pain hunter"

I sit on some hay and think. Maybe I should'nt go tonight, yea they're my best friends but I dont wanna be alone while their having a blast. My cat, Elmo, jumps on my lap and paws at my face. She's gray with yellow, glowing eyes. I pet and cuddle her. I give her a quick kiss on her head and put her down. I walk over to Ella, my horses, pen.

" hey Ella' i say petting her face

she nieghs

" you're lucky, you don't have to worry about boys, or friends, or parties' i say

she nieghs again

'' all you have to worry about is running and doing what we tell you" i say " and the zombie apocalipse''

she looks at me with her big, dark eyes." I know, I know it wont happen, Im just sayin'"

Even though she cant talk, I feel like she's the only one who really gets me.

she nieghs

" i love you, too"

Code name : RUNWhere stories live. Discover now