Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Rentering our house was like entering a war zone. Our things are scattered throughout the different rooms, and stuff covering the floors.

"What is going on in here?!" I yell

"Mia and Easton." Emma says pouring a glass of lemonade. "You want some?"

"No, im good." I say

"Siut yourself"

"How long have they been...." I ask

" 20 minutes, maybe a half hour?" She says

"My lord. Hey, enough you guys!" I shout

"You know what!" Mia yells throwing a sweater on the ground. "Im done,enough is enough and im sick of it! Goodbye Easton." Mia storms out of the room and locks herself in the basement.

"Well........Imma go talk to him, make sure hes ok." Emma says making her way to our cotroom.

        Stella and Garret took the kids into our little storage/play room when the fight broke out. Evan is lying in Stellas arms, coughing.

"Evan whats wrong?" I ask while a check his forhead for a feaver.

"My tummy hurts" He growns

"Your tummy hurts?" I ask "I'll get you something to make you feel better."

"I already gave him some medication, but hes still been puking. " Garret says " And he's also hydrated. We're just goning to have to wait.

"Ok" I gave him a quick kiss on the forhead. "Feel better honey ok?"

        I walk out into the living room and head past the bedroom. "Huh I guess they're not in there anymore" I think "Theres no more talking at least"

I step into the doorway, but immediantly step right back out.  "Wow"

I walk back into the room and suddley cough. They break apart and avoid making eyeconntact with me. "I don't even know what to say."

I run down into the basement and find Mia crying into one of our beanbag chairs. "You okay?

She looks up. "Does it look like i'm okay?"

"How long have you guys been fighting?" I ask

"A few weeks, ever since he started cheating on me with Emma."

"You knew?" I ask

"Of course, i'm not that stupid." She gets up and grabs a bottle of water. "I'll be okay, eventually."

"It's getting really late, you should get some rest." I say

"Yea, big day tommorrow, huh?" She asks.

"Sort of...."I say back

"I'm gonna sleep down here, I cant face Easton yet, let alone sleep in the same room as him and Emma."

"I'll stay with you."

"Thank you."

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