Chapter 12

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I opened my eyes and looked around. I sat up quickly trying to recover my vision. Looking around I saw that I was in a familiar bedroom. The one at the facility. I jumped up but then wincing in pain because there was an I.V. in my arm.
I quickly ripped it out of my arm running to the door. It was locked so I just looked the out of the small window. There were nurses and cops walking around. Everything seemed fine. I looked around the hall and saw Luke standing there. I bit my lip looking towards him.
His head turned to a nurse and said something I couldn't make out. She slightly looked anxious, nervous maybe?
Then nodded her head. I studied his figure as he walked down the hallway. He looked different? Not in a bad way it's just he looked more "mature" so to speak. Dressed in black jeans, black shirt, black leather jacket, and black converse. He looked hot.
I shook my head I've never had thoughts like this or like anything before. I tried rubbing my eyes a few times to get these dirty images out of my mind.

I then jumped at the sound of my door opening. I looked up to see him. He looked me directly in the eyes.
"I love you." We're the only words I was able to say before hugging him. He seemed shocked at first but then hugged back. I could feel some tears falling out of my eyes. Oh I've missed him more than anything. I then remembered that all I was wearing was a hospital gown. My cheeks began burning red and I backed away a bit.

"Quinn, I called the cops after I found you with them. Charlie got away but then Bonnie confessed everything to the cops. She's in jail. I promise you that you will be free from all of this." He blinked a couple times looking me up and down.

I smiled and didn't care anymore. I had him and that is all that mattered. I kissed him with everything I had. My cheeks were still red from before. Burning like fire. His soft lips pressed against mine. I could feel his hand move away from my waist pushing the door behind him shut. I could hear it lock but I don't think it mattered. I wouldn't want him to leave anyways. We backed up so my back was against the wall. His tongue traced my lips causing me to open my mouth. We shifted so it was more comfortable for the both of us. I gripped the bottom of his shirt tightly wanting it off. Just as we were about to take it off, the door opened revealing a freaked out looking nurse.

I quickly pushed Luke away looking at the nurse awkwardly.

"H-here are your release papers." She said handing them to me turning and running out the door.

Wait, release papers!? I looked at Luke and he simply smiled. I hugged him and we walked out of the room to fill out the papers.
Here I am. Outside leaving this place after 3 months of hell. Now leaving back into hell. Luke said he would keep me safe so I trust him. Luke's car drove on the highway until we came to a place I didn't recognize. We were in a large city that I was unable to recognize.

"Luke where are we?" I asked nervously. I trusted him it's just I honestly had no fricken clue where we were.

"We are going somewhere for a while." He said still driving down the road. "So we can run away from everything for a little while."
After about 5-6 minutes we were pulling into a parking garage. We parked and walked to the stairs. We soon were in a building which I assumed to be an apartment building. After walking down the long hallway we were in front of a door labeled '39B' Luke put a key into the door and opened it. Inside revealed a beautiful apartment. White furniture with black accents. We walked around towards the kitchen which was georgous. Brand new appliances, a nice island in the middle with pots and pans hanging above. We walked down the hall a bit revealing a guest bedroom that was baby blue themed with a queen sized bed and a white desk. Also a white dresser with a large tv on it. After seeing that room there was a bathroom and at the end of the hall was a spiral staircase. Walking up to the top was a door. As I opened it, my mouth dropped. It was the most beautiful room I had ever seen.

A large black bed with sort of peach colored pillows. Next to the bed was a huge wall sized black sort of shear sliding door. Inside there was a large bathroom.

Walking in front of the bed was a double door. Opening it was a large walk-in closet. All of my clothes that I had were hanging up with my shoes on one side and Luke's on the other. On the way back wall of the closet was a large collage of all the pictures I had hanging up in my room at my moms house. I turned to look at Luke.

"I told you I would keep you safe. So welcome home baby." He said. I smiled and could feel tears rushing to my eyes. I went and sat on the bed putting my head in my hands. Luke rushed over to me sitting down and rubbing my back.

I turned and face him.

"I love you so much. Thank you for saving me" I smiled realizing I finally had someone that cared.

helllooooooo, sorta proud of this chapter! hope you liked it.
picture of quinn (which i thought went pretty well with this chapter) is above

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