Chapter 14

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I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw I was in the backseat of a car. My dress was ripped on the bottom and I was barefoot. I sat up quickly regretting it. I held my head in my hands then looked around. We were parked in front of the house still, but Luke wasn't anywhere. I got out of the car and walked inside. People were scattered around the house sleeping. I looked and saw Luke sitting down on a kitchen chair sleeping.

I tapped his should and he woke up startled.

"Hey." He said hugging me. I smiled. "Can we go?" I mumbled. He nodded and we walked outside. He was being awfully quiet and was bothering me. "Are you ok?" I said quietly as we climbed into the car. "I don't know." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes. We sat in the car for a bit. He didn't drive anywhere yet but just sat there. "Are you gonna fucking drive or not?" I snapped.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up!?" He yelled back. "Ugh! Why won't you just tell me what's wrong instead of just giving me the silent treatment pretty much!?" I questioned.

"Maybe it's because I don't want to talk to a whore like you!" He shouted clenching the steering wheel.

I could feel some tears crawling to my eyes. I was done with people calling me named and me getting bullied by now the person I thought I could trust is calling my that?!

I climbed out of the car letting the tears fall out of my eyes. I heard the car spread off behind me. Great just great. I have no clue where we are and I don't even know what my address is.

I walked over to the house to see that Amber was walking towards the door as I was walking in. "Hey" she mumbled. "Hi" I responded. "Last night was crazy! I can't believe you and Luke fucked in the back of that ca-" I stopped her.

"We DID WHAT!?" I said almost shouting.

"You guys fucked in the car after you came back in wanting to play truth or dare again. So Zachary dared you to fuck in a random place and you chose the car..." She said looking at me. I was speechless. I honestly didn't know what to think or say. I didn't know what to do at all.

I hear something coming behind me but before I could look Amber said
"Hey Luke." I turned and saw him standing there. I still didn't know what to say but I could tell Amber noticed.

"So, have a good night Luke?" She said winking at him. He widened his eyes grabbing my hand pulling me towards the car. I got in and we quickly drove home. He wasn't talking and neither was I. I think we were both in just complete and udder shock. We walked into our apartment and sat down on the couch together. Then it occurred to me making me jump. "Luke did you use protection?" I said my voice shaking. I hadn't been on birth control in about 2 years so I was definitely more concerned about not using protection.
"I-i-i don't remember.." He said. I stood up in anger. I walked upstairs and as down on the bed. I out my hands in my head and started to cry. My phone was on the bed next to me and it started to ring. I grabbed it not looking to see who was calling.

"He-l-l-o." I stuttered.

"You guys didn't use protection I hope you know that." The voice said. I immediately knew who it was.

"What the hell are you talking about Raina? How do you know?" I said stiffening up.

"Because I do. Watch your back, wouldn't want you getting pregnant at 18 now would we?"

I started crying again. Luke opened the door and hugged me.

"I'm so so so sorry Quinn" he spoke. I continued to cry into his shoulder. Why does all this shit happen to me?

I walked to the bathroom shutting the door.

I needed to cut, I needed to take away the pain of thinking I could be pregnant.


But I need to.

I grabbed the container sitting on the sink holding makeup I owned finding an eyeliner sharpener.

I twisted out the screw with my finger nail and held the blade in my hand. I stared at it letting the tears fall out of my eyes.

My phone vibrated next to me so I grabbed it and looked.

"From: Blocked

Have fun cutting Quinn!

Love, Raina"

I threw my phone at the bathroom door. I put the razor up to my wrist and pushed down with everything I had. I was pushing down so hard the pain was completely unbearable. The blood was practically gushing out of my wrist. I grabbed a towel and held it against my wrist. I then picked up the razor and slashed it multiple times at my wrist. I needed to stop. This wasn't right. The door opened and I dropped the razor and started crying. I could feel a pare of arms around me. My vision and hearing were becoming very faint and distant.

All I could hear was a faint voice saying my name.


I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in my bed at home. There was a huge bandage wrapped around my wrist. I sat up and felt sick to my stomach. I ran to the toilet and puked. I looked up in the mirror and didn't see myself. This wasn't me.

This person had scars up and down there arms. There eyes were black and dark. There body was just skin and bones.

This is not me.

I turned around to see Luke standing in the doorway. "Why do you stay with me?" I asked.

"Because, I love you." He stated.

"I mean why do you stay with me, someone like me who can't control themselves, who destroy themselves, who is a horrible horrible person." I said tears forming in my eyes.

"Because, I love you with everything I have. I promised you I would help you and care for you and protect you. I'm going to keep my promise. You are honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me Quinn. I love you more than you could ever know. I know I'm an ass sometimes and I know what we did last night wasn't the best thing in the world, and I'm sorry for that. But the truth is I love you and no matter what happens I will love you." He said smiling. I ran up and kissed him with everything in me. I love him so much.

Honestly I love him so much.

I jumped into his arms and kissed him.

We walked to our room sitting down on the bed so I was now straddling him. Kissing him made me feel safe. Hell being in the same room as him made me feel safe.

I continued kissing him and then well you probably can guess what happened after...

But I do love him. I know our love story isn't perfect. Trust me it's not perfect. But I love him more then you could ever know by reading this.

I was finally happy.

hopeeee youuuuu eeennnjjjooooyyyeeedddd tttthhhiiissss
im dumb okay sorry
this chapter was kind of dumb tbh i didn't really like it
picture of quinn from this chapter at the top

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