Chapter 11

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Quinn's POV

It's been around a month since I was in the hospital. I was later then put it this stupid rehab facility for people who harm themselves. It's called The Australian Self Harm/Abuse Rehab Facilitation Center.

This place is so weird. We have to wear these hospital gowns, so that way we don't "harm ourselves with our clothes". It's practically just a large shirt with not any thing else. Ugh I hate this thing. We have to wear this and absolutely nothing else. Not even a bra or underwear. This rule goes for everyone. We'll there is only one exception for girls and you know, monthly issues..then we are aloud underwear but any other time, nope nothing else. Not even shoes. It's only like that because they think that we will use our undergarments to harm our selves some how.

I have not had any contact with anyone. Well except my mum. She said Luke hasn't tried to contact me or anyone.

When she told me that I was upset but I guess it's whatever. My mum also said that she hasn't heard from or seen Charlie in about a month.

The other people here scare me sometimes. This one girl named Amy has been in here for 2 years but has only gotten worse.

She was put in here because she was "hearing voices" and tried hanging herself. You can hear her screams every night.

Also there's this guy named Jake who has this mental disability where he thinks he has to kill everyone and he says he always mistakes everyone to be him.

Raina on the other hand has visited me a few times. She said that she has a problem and she was back on medication and now guess what! She's here with me now. She said that she never talked to me before this and stuff so I was sort of confused by that.

Bonnie found out Raina was here too and she flipped. She was threatening to kill Raina if she hurt me and all this other stuff. It was pretty weird.

Right now I'm sitting in the community room. There actually isn't anyone in here at the moment so I felt quite awkward.

I heard footsteps behind me and I looked to see it was the police.

They started walking towards me and I got a little nervous.

"Excuse me miss?" The first cop asked facing me.

"Y-yes?" I quickly responded.

"Do you know a girl named Bonnie?"

"Yeah. Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"She is missing and we would like you, since you know her the best, at least that's what we've heard, to come help us find her." I stared in shock. I can't leave. I was just getting better. What if bad things happen again?

"Calm down ma'am" The second cop said. I took a deep breath and shyly nodded my head. At least I can get out of this stupid hospital gown.
The cops and I tarted walking towards the front door which was guarded by security guards so nobody tries to escape.
Just as we were about to leave all the lights shut off. Screams came from a couple of locked rooms. I looked around but I couldn't see anything. I heard things slamming and more people screaming. I backed up to what I thing was the corner of the room until it would stop. Then some of the lights started flickering on and off.

I looked around but there was nobody.

No policemen.

No security guards.

No patients.


I started walking a little bit when I heard a scream that made me jump. My only reaction was to run.

I started sprinting down one very long hallway. Then the lights shut off again. I screamed this time and stopped running.

I tried looking around again. But I still couldn't see any thing. Then I saw a door at the left side of the hallway slowly open revealing a bright white light.

I quickly started tiptoeing towards the door.

I quickly poked it open to see....


What the hell!?

"Stop it! If you think you are trying to scare her you are fucking hopeless!" Bonnie shouted.

"Shut up Bonnie! You are stupid it's just a little fucking joke! Plus if you find her and tell her what I'm doing, I will tell her you were helping this whole time!" Someone screamed back.

Wait. Bonnie was helping someone?!

Wait that's Charlie!

I was about to interrupt them but then a hand wrapped around my mouth. I started panicking and grabbing the hand and kicking my legs.

The hand let go after we moved a couple feet away from the room that Charlie and Bonnie were in. I turned around to see who it was. But as I did the person grabbed my neck and held me against the wall.

The person's face jumped in front of me through the lights that were flickering.


I started kicking him and gasping for air. I start trying to scream but the only thing that comes out is small raspy quiet one.

"Did you hear that?" I heard a voice a couple feet away.

My vision started to become blurry as I my breathing became faint.

The last thing I saw was Charlie and Bonnie standing there wide eyed.

I felt my body drop and hit the ground.

I gasped my breath and began coughing.


"Shit she's choking!"

"Just leave her I thought this was your plan?"

"We'll I don't know!"

"If she dies we have to ditch her body."

I heard shoes shuffling.

"Who's there!?"


"What did you do to her?!"

I recognize that voice..

I lifted my head up and looked.


weird chapter, sorry. i couldn't find any pictures to fit this chapter so there's another picture of quinn and luke

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