I Like You, Perry (Perrentes)

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Tony's POV  *Mild smut warning*

As I walk through the school halls, getting pushed and shoved, I hear an all too familiar voice call out my name.

I roll my eyes and turn around to see Kanye with his usual stupid smirk on his face. That's literally about the only time he does smile. Unless he sees his 7 month pregnant girlfriend, Kim. The idiots of the school. (A/N Why make great people the bad guy why you can make actual assholes the bad guy)

"What do you want?" I ask. He shoves me against the locker, making my books fall to the ground. He punches me in the face, stomach, and chest. I hate being weak and defenseless, but I can't fight at all.

All of a sudden he's being pulled off of me by some kid. I've seen him around before with his brother and his brother's boyfriend. I think his name is Mike. He's popular so I try to avoid him, along with every other popular.

Mike starts punching Kanye's face, causing people to circle around us. Some with their phones, some without. When Kanye is to the point where he's about to pass out, Mike grabs his collar.

"Leave Tony alone, got that?" he says in a demanding tone. I can just imagine him using that voice telling me t- whoa Tony, you don't even know the guy. Which brings me to how the fuck does he know my name!?

"Fuck you," Kanye says, his voice croaky from lack of air.

"No thanks, I prefer attractive men," Mike says in a sassy tone. A chorus of "OHHHHHH" goes around the crowd.

Mike grabs my hand, helping me stand up. He continues holding my hand as he leads me to the bathroom.

When we get there, I'm happy to see it's empty. He gestures for me to sit down on the sink, which is exactly what I do.

He goes into a stall and grabs toilet paper. He walks up to me and stares at me, smiling.

"Hi," he says. What!?

"H-hi," I stutter. I don't know what to do in situations like this! His face is just a few inches away from mine and his eyes are filled with an emotion I can't read.

"Are you okay?" he asks. I slowly nod.

"Why did you help me?" I ask him. He starts cleaning the cut on my lip. I flinch at the contact, but soon relax. He smiles that perfect smile of his.

"Because I am a good samaritan," he says. I look down at the floor and nod, trying not to show him the sad and kind of disappointed look on my face.

He guides my eyes to his by lifting my head with his fingertips.

"And because I like you, Perry," he says. He slowly leans in, and I do too. 

I can proudly say that the moment our lips touched, it was the best moment in my life. I had never been kissed before, so that made it five times more special to me.

The door opens and Mike pulls apart and looks at the door to see who interrupted our moment. At the door stands his brother and his brother's boyfriend, who has his legs wrapped around his brother's waist.

"Kellin, Vic, go find your own bathroom! Jesus Christ, so rude!" Mike says, chuckling slightly.

"Sorry little bro, have fun!" Vic says, walking out with Kellin's legs still wrapped around his waist.

Mike smiles at me and pecks my lips.

"Sorry about that, they're annoying. They also can't go a day without fucking at least twice," he says. I laugh.

"It's fine, now where were we?" I ask, smirking. He smiles and presses his lips against mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck as his lips start tracing my jawline. He starts sucking on the skin on my neck and I let out an involuntary moan, making him smirk.

He unbuttons my pants and starts pulling them down, and I pull away.

"Oh god, I went too far, didn't I. I'm so sorry, I'm such an idiot!" he says. I laugh and shake my head.

"No, I just don't want to get caught or something," I say. He smiles and pulls me into a stall, locking it and turning back towards me.

"We're not going to go all the way, I want that night to be special," he says, smiling and looking at me with lust. I nod.

He crashes his lips to mine. He pulls my pants all the way down and  before I know it, his mouth is on my hard-on. He licks it base to tip and starts sucking.

He bobs his head, progressively getting faster. I moan his name as I feel my dick hit the back of his throat.

"M-Mike I'm c-close," I say. He finishes me off, making sure to swallow every ounce of liquid in his mouth.

I pull my pants up and kiss his cheek. He grabs my hand and we walk out of the stall. (A/N Sorry if that sucked, I'm not very good at writing smut)

"That was the most fun I've ever had," I say as we walk out of the bathroom, getting strange looks from people.

"Same. Do you want to go on a date on Friday?" he asks, taking me by surprise.

"Yeah, sure!" I say, smiling brightly. He chuckles and kisses my cheek.

"You're so fucking adorable," he says. 

"You are too," I say.

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