Marry Me? (Cashby)

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Alan's POV

"Baaabe please tell me where your taking me," I whine to my boyfriend, Austin, as he grabs my hand and pulls me to his car.

Before I get in, he hands me a blindfold.

"You kinky little shit," I say, chuckling. He laughs and rolls his eyes.

"I'm not telling you where we're going. Now please put the blindfold on," he says. I sigh and put it on.

I hear the driver's side door open and he gets in. He grabs my hand with one hand and puts the other on the steering wheel.

"You're not going to take me out to a forest and kill me, are you?" I ask. I hear his amazing laugh.

"Alan, we've been dating for 3 years, and I've known you for 14 years. I'm pretty sure if I were going to kill you I would've done it by now," he says.

"I love you," I say, slowly reaching my hand up to the blindfold. He smacks my arm away and I frown.

"It's a surprise, meaning you're not supposed to know where I'm taking you," he says. I groan.

"But you know I hate surprises," I say. The car stops and I smile.

I hear him get out of the car and open my door. I unbuckle the seat belt and grab onto his arm for support and guidance.

He grabs my waist and helps me get out. When he closes the door, he grabs my hands and puts them on his shoulders.

As we start walking, I hear leaves crunching and sounds of nature.

He finally stops and I accidentally run into his back making him laugh.

"This is the part where you kill me, right?" I ask teasingly. He chuckles and kisses my nose.

"You're a dork. You can take the blindfold off, by the way," he says. I practically rip it off and I'm immediately met with the most beautiful face on earth.

He presses his lips to mine and I immediately kiss back.

When we pull apart I examine the breathtaking scene.

There's a blanket on the ground with a wooden basket on top and plates set on opposite sides.

There's a cliff in front of us that leads to a lake, and everything else surrounding us are trees.

"This is amazing," I breathe out. Austin smiles and kisses my cheek.

"A beautiful place for a beautiful man," he says. Wow, he's being really cheesy tonight.

"Ready to eat?" I ask. He nods, smiling.

After eating, he stands up and I look at him confused.

"I'll be right back, I have to go get something from the car," he says. I nod.

Austin's POV

I can feel my heartbeat getting faster as I make my way to the car. What if he says no? What if he's not ready?

I open the trunk and grab the two perfect slices of cake. I slip the velvet box with the ring in it in my pocket.

Before I head back, I text Vic, Kellin, Mike, and Tony to tell them that everything's ready. They're all hiding behind trees, everyone with a camera.

As I get closer to Alan, I start questioning myself again. Do I really want this? I mean, I was married once before but that was a long time ago. We were stupid and young.

When I get back, Alan smiles when he sees I brought cake.

"Aw, babe you didn't have to," he says, kissing my cheek.

"But I wanted to," I reply.

After we're done with the cake I scratch the back of my ear, which is the signal for the plan to go into action.

Mike makes a noise and Alan starts looking around with a worried look on his face.

"Did you hear that?" he asks.

"Hear what?" Mike does it again and Alan stands up.

"That," he says, his back turned against me as he looks around for the source of the noise.

I take this as my chance to get the box out of my pocket. I get down on one knee just as he turns around. He gasps and he puts his hand over his mouth as tears show up in his eyes.

"Austin...oh my god," he mumbles. Well, I can't go back now.

"Alan Anthony Ashby, you're literally the best person I know. You might not believe it, but it's true. You're the love of my life, and I couldn't say it any better. You made me a better person, and for that I thank you, because without you I would still be lying to myself about who I truly am. I love you with all of my heart, so please, make me the happiest person on earth and marry me?" I ask. By the end, he's crying. He nods quickly and puts out his hand.

I smile as I slip the ring on his finger. I stand up and he hugs me. I hear clapping from around us and remember that Kellin, Vic, Mike, and Tony are here.

"Congratulations!" They all say simultaneously. I smile and turn back to my Fiancé.

"I love you more than words can express," I say, kissing him softly.

"I love you so much, Austin," he says after we pull apart.

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