Put Me Out of My Misery (Cashby)

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Austin's POV (tRiGgEr WaRnInG)

"I always knew you were just a fag! God, and I thought you were fucked up before!" Pam screams at me. Tears stream down my cheeks as she grabs everything that's hers. It's not her leaving that's making me upset, it's the way she's reacting.

"Pam, please," I choke out.

"No, why don't you go to that ginger asshole and infect him with your fag germs!" She yells. After watching her pack and crying for a little bit, I speak up.

"You know, it's my fault. I don't know why I expected you to be supportive, maybe even remain friends with me. I guess that's just what I was hoping. Get out," I say, pointing to the door. She scoffs and runs out the door, slamming it shut. At least she didn't forget to close the goddamn door.

I fall to my knees and sob uncontrollably. I'll have no one once people find out. And what about Alan? Oh god, Alan. The ginger I've been in love with since I met him. He'll hate me. He'll think I'm disgusting.

"I am disgusting," I mumble to myself.

I get up and walk towards the bathroom. I grab my razor and take out the metal part. I sob even harder. I haven't cried this hard since mum died. I touch the blade to my wrist and slowly drag it across.

"Worthless," I mumble, making another, slightly deeper cut.

"Faggot," I say a bit louder, making this cut deeper.

"Disgusting." Another one.

After about 20 cuts, each getting deeper, I begin to feel lightheaded. I hear the doorbell ring, but I ignore it. It's probably in my head.

All I see is red. Red. Red is a pretty color. It reminds me of something, but I don't remember what.

I hear a clicking noise and a door opening.

"Austin! Oh my god, what the fuck did you do!?" Someone screams. I don't like being yelled at.

Small arms wrap around me just as I lose consciousness.

Alan's POV (Earlier)

My phone rings just as I take a swig of my beer. I look at the ID and narrow my eyes when I see it's an unknown number. I shrug and answer.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Oh, you answered," The person says. It's a girl, and I've heard the voice before, but I can't tell who it is.

"Who is this?" I ask.

"It's Pam. I'm just calling to say that you and that other fag can be together seeing as he's available now," She says. I feel like screaming at her, telling her how much of a bitch she is, but instead I hang up.

I never liked Pam. She's always been nothing but a twat to me. And she took Austin away from me, even though we were never together. He became distant after they started dating. I only tolerated her for Austin's sake.

I decide to text him, telling I'm coming over. I grab my keys and abandon the beer I was going to drink.

When I get to his house, I take the spare key out of my pocket and unlock the door. My heart rate speeds up as I walk inside.

After looking around for a bit, I walk into his room. I notice a leg sticking out from the bathroom door.

I open the door and scream at the sight of Austin laying on the floor. His arms are covered in blood and his tattoos are barely visible.

"Austin! Oh my god, what the fuck did you do!?" I yell. I wrap my arms around him as tears stream down my cheeks.

I take my phone out and dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The person asks.

"M-My b-best f-f-friend, h-he h-h-hurt hi-himself. I-I don't kn-know if h-h-he's breathing," I manage to say.

"Okay, sir, please calm down. Where are you?" She asks. I can't remember, all I can think about is Austin.

"I-I don't r-r-remember," I say as calmly as I can. I look down at Austin and a new set of tears fall.

"Okay, please stay on the line so I can trace your phone. An ambulance will be on it's way soon," She says. I nod, even though she can't see me.

I grab two towels that were hanging on a rack and tightly tie them onto each of his arms. I saw this once in a TV show.

After about 10 minutes of crying, I finally hear sirens from outside.

"Hello?!" Someone yells.

"I-In here!" I yell back.

Two paramedics rush in with a gurney. They pry him out of my arms, which takes a lot of work, and put him on the backboard.

"He has a faint pulse!" The girl says. They run out of the room, gesturing for me to follow.

"Do you want to ride in the ambulance?" The other one asks me. I nod quickly.

I get in the back with him and the other gets in the front.

"Do you know what happened?" He asks. I shake my head. He takes off the towels and gasps. His eyes start watering.

"A-are you o-okay?" I ask. He nods.

"Yeah, I-my boyfriend almost killed himself last month....I'm the one who found him," He says. I take in his appearance. He has black hair and blue-green eyes.

I refuse to look at the cuts, so I just keep my head down.

When we get to the hospital, they rush Austin into the emergency room, leaving me sitting in the waiting room anxiously shaking my leg.

I hear a cry and I look up to see police officers. One of them is holding a baby, and he looks incredibly annoyed.

"When is the social worker going to get here?" He asks the others.

"Bruce, you've held the child for two minutes and you're already complaining. Let me take her," One of the others says. She continues crying. Not knowing what I'm doing, I stand up and walk towards them.

"Can I hold her?" I ask. They shrug and he hands her to me. As soon as she's in my arms, she stops crying. She opens her bright green eyes and smiles at me.

"Well I'll be damned," One of the officers says.

To be continued...

A/N I actually really liked writing this, idk. Also, someone suggested making Gay Chat a full story, what do you guys think?

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