The New Kid

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A/N Hey! So this is my first shot at writing something like this! Enjoy! I'll try to update as much as I can. But this story will consists of trigger warnings. If you are triggered easily, or can't handle it at the moment, DO NOT READ THIS FANFICTION.

Castiel groaned as he pressed the snooze button on his alarm clock. As he was dozing off, Gabriel slightly knocked on his door. Castiel just groaned and rolled on his side. Gabriel then opened up his door and pounced on his bed.

"Wake up Cassy! It's a beautiful Thursday! You have to get ready for school! Come on! Breakfast is downstairs waiting, and don't forget to take your meds! Be ready in about 30 minutes!" He said overly excited. After he left Castiel pulled out his pill bottle from his nightstand drawer. Every morning it's the same battle. Debating in whether to take the full bottle or the prescribed dosage. Today he just decides to take the prescribed dosage. As he uncovers himself, he feels the cold air Pierce his bare skin. He waddles over to his closet and pulls down a white dress shirt, a blue tie, some black slacks, and as always his trench coat. His father gave him his trench coat before his parents were murdered in front of his own eyes. Castiel always wears it now.

As he went downstairs he could hear Micheal and Lucifer arguing. Lucifer was the brother who dropped out of college and came to live with the Novak family, while Micheal was the one who raised most of the dysfunctional family, even though Castiel and Gabriel were adopted. As he more so approached he heard what the conversation was about. Him.

He stood at the door frame hoping they wouldn't notice, but they noticed and immediately stopped talking. Micheal gave him his plate of blueberry pancakes and the bottle of syrup and told him to go eat up in his room. Castiel wanted to know what they were taking about so he just sat down on the floor next to the kitchen, just out of sight.

"Micheal, the kids depressed. And you don't want to get him help?"

"Listen Luce, everybody loves the kid to death, but I don't think the fact that he tears his own skin open on purpose can be fixed." As castiel heard these words he choked on his pancake. How did they figure out.

"It is fixable. You know what it is, nobody in this house except Gabriel shows him any goddamn love! The kid was fucking adopted for Pete's sake! He deals with more trauma than any of us considering his back story! He had four different parents! Four different homes! They all returned him! And this was exactly the reason why. They weren't willing to help him so they just returned him like you want to do!" Castiel felt a hot tear slip down his cheek. Did Micheal want to return him? Was he not good enough? What was going on?

Lucifer stormed out of the kitchen only to see castiel sitting there crying. "Ah fuck." He thought to himself. He bent down on his knees to talk to Cas.

"Listen Cassie Dashie, nothing is going to happen. I promise. I found a few new therapists if you're willing to try them."

"Yo-you said only Ga-abriel loves m-me. Does that mean you d-dont love me? Does that me Mich-icheal doesn't love me?"

"No kiddo. I love you to death. But nobody in this household can beat Gabriel's love for you. Also, I'm not around most of the time so my love doesn't really count, even though I still love you."

"I got to go." Castiel said harshly, grabbing his backpack and going to sit out on the front porch. A few minutes later Gabriel walked out.

"You ready to go Cassie?" He asked as Cas looked up at him with a slight nod. Gabriel noticed the puffiness of his eyes and squatted down next to him.

"Cas, what's wrong?"

"Micheal wants to return me."

"But he's not. I'll be there every step of the way to make sure he doesn't. Now come on, let's get to school. I have to give this new kid a tour." Gabriel said as he unwrapped a cherry sucker and stuck it in his right cheek.

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