Fine Crafted Glitter

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//Cas' POV//
Chemistry was the same as always, boring. It was the same as everyday, studying carbon atoms and their functions, as if we are going to to need that 20 years from now. They teach us that separating a molecule can explode the earth, but they don't teach us taxes or how to drive a car? School is useless. Math? We have calculators. Science? We have the internet. English? We have texting. Physical Education? We walk to the fridge. History? Theyre all dead anyways. I hate history. We always talk about the past. How these great people did great things in the past, but we never talk about the history that lies ahead of us. Instead we dwell on something that will never come back. If I were a subject, I would be history. I always dwell on the past. The past when I would rip my own skin open and stitch it back together. The past were i lived in five different foster homes because nobody wanted me. I can't live in the present. What's the point?

"Uh, Cas?" A familiar voice snapped me out of my day dream.

"Oh, uh, Dean. Hi" as I was talking he looked down at my notebook, which usually had my chemistry notes in it, but instead it had his name written everywhere with bubble hearts. I don't remember drawing these, maybe I drew them while I was daydreaming about school. Instead of questioning it, he just smiled and laughed to himself.

"Hey Cas, would you like to hang out today at my place?" He asked.

"Like a date?"

"Sure, like a date."

Maybe he saw my dorky grin, I don't know. But what I do know is the chemistry teacher was death staring us as new students filled the room.

"Oh, uh Dean, I think we have to go to our next class now. May I see your schedule?"

He then pulled out his schedule and handed it to me. This and 5th period were the only periods we had together, but at least we had art together. "Okay, well all of our classes with the exception of Chem and art are literally polar opposite sides of the school." I chuckled to myself then I heard the warning bell ring.

"Oh no, fuck! I need to get to Calculous! See ya Dean!" I shouted as I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door to get to the west wing in two minutes.

"Castiel, you're late."

"Sorry Mrs. Griffin. It won't happen again."

"Okay, take your seat."

The next two periods were a blur. I just couldn't set my mind straight, literally. All I could think of is the hunk of a man called Dean Winchester. As the bell rang for 5th period transition, I quickly grabbed my backpack and ran to the north wing just so I could see Dean. As I approached the art room I could someone setting something up in the doorway, but I didn't think much of it. As I opened the door a huge bucket came crashing down, hitting me in the head and knocking me out.

When I woke up i was in the clinic. I looked around but nobody was there, then Dean appeared in the doorway. Instead of apologizing for what happened he giggled. What kind of phsycopath was he? Then I looked down. Oh fuck. I thought to myself as I saw the ultra fine crafted hot pink glitter everywhere. This isnt going to come off for months! So much for these dress slacks. Dean started walking my way as I attempted to get the glitter off of my crotch.

"Well, how ya feeling princess?" He asked with a smirk. Was he the one who set up the glitter?

"I feel alot less of a man. Do you know who set this up?"

"Alistair and Crowley. They set it up before I could get to class. I guess you walked in right before I did because I soon as I walked in everybody was snickering and you were just laying on the ground. Then I picked you up and carried you here. Let me go get the nurse." He left the room, leaving me to contemplate whether or not to go to one of Gabe's classes so I can go home and get changed. Then the nurse walked in.

"My, my, my. Arent you a pretty site?" She asked more like a statement than a question.

"Yeah, uhm can you please call my brother in here?"

"Sorry sugar. He's in the office for trying to beat up the kids who did this to you. You got hit pretty hard in the head. I think it may be best if you go home and get some rest. Tomorrow it should be better, but if it isn't we may have to take you to the hospital to check for a concussion." She said as she was getting my heart rate.

"I cant go home without Gabe. I need a ride."

"Okay hun. Let me just go to the office and see if I can locate him." A few moments later Gabriel walked in with a busted lip and bandages around his knuckles.

"Come on Cassie. I'm taking you home." As I got up to leave a swarm of dizziness took over me. My vision was slowly going very dull until it was nothing. I heard two familiar voices yelling "Cas" but I couldn't see who they were. As I heard sirens in the distance I fell off to sleep, in hopes that I would never wake up.

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