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//Gabe's POV//

School was finally over, so I went to Sam's last class to ask him if he wanted to come over. I was searching everywhere for him, but he wasn't in his last period class. As I turned the corner I saw Sam pinned to the ground by Alistair. Alistair was yelling something about "his brother being a faggot" but I wasn't listening much. All I heard was my loud footsteps pounding against the linoleum floor. As Alistair turned my way he started to say "oh. Your boyfriend's coming to save you princess" but I cut him off as I tackled him to the floor.

"YOU" Punch to the face "DONT" Knee to the crotch "MESS" another punch to the face. "WITH" I twisted his arm back "MY" I kept twisting it until I saw tears in his eyes. I started to hear the cracking "SAMMY" I yelled as I finally heard the crisp crack of his elbow. I dropped him to the floor and went over to Sammy.

"Sammy, baby. Are you okay?"

He stared at me for a bit, amazed. "Gabe, wow. Thank you so much."

"No problem. Nobody messes with my Samsung. You want a ride to my place? Cas and Dean are already there." (A/N Davey you better get the hidden joke in there)

"Sure!" He said, excited not to return to his dreary home.


We finally got to my house and I went upstairs to check on Cas. When I opened the door, I saw the cutest thing imaginable. Castiel was asleep on Dean's chest while Dean was asleep resting his head on castiels. At first, I was pretty suspicious of Dean, not knowing if he was good for my brother. But I know he's more than good enough. But I do need to talk to Dean about him sneaking in. I've walked in on nights where Cas had a nightmare and Dean was beside him comforting him, and nothing is wrong with that, but Dean needs to learn he can use the front door. I left the room and went to hang out with Sam.

About an hour into watching Deadpool with Sammy, Micheal came in with Metatron.

"Hey Gabe. Who's this?" Micheal asked, gesturing towards Sam

"This is Sammy."

"Oh, okay. Do you know where Cas is?" As Micheal was asking this he heard Metatron yell something about fags then a really loud clap. I quickly scrambled to my feet to castiels room, where Dean was laying on the cold wooden floors. Cas was hovering over his body.

//Cas' POV//

Dean and I were watching Star Wars when we leaned in for a kiss. At that moment Metatron walked in. Before I could say anything, he was pulling me away from Dean and his hand met deans face at full speed. Dean collapsed to the ground and I quickly went by his side.

"Castiel James Novak, Faggots aren't allowed in this house! You are going to hell! Maybe Micheal was doing the right thing when he signed the foster home papers yesterday!" He yelled. Micheal, did Micheal really sign the papers? Hot tears started to sting in his eyes. Then Micheal came over to me.

"Castiel. I'm disappointed in you. Pack your bags."

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