Bobby saves the day

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I eventually got home and changed into my sweatpants and a baggy red tee-shirt. I knew my back was still bleeding, but I was too tired to do anything. I popped in my earbuds and blasted Fall Out Boy. Nobody was home, thank chuck. I looked down at my stomach. Am I really fat? Maybe I can just stop eating for awhile. I'll stop when I'm happy with myself. I thought to myself. As I was sitting there I was twirling my pocket knife in my fingers. I looked down at it, envying that it didn't have to deal with life. How it didn't ever get killed or punished, but rather did the deeds.

The amount of mental pain I was dealing was excruciatingly uncomfortable. I felt like such a monster in my body. As I slowly lifted the knife up to my wrist my hands were shaking so badly I pressed the blade against it and quickly pulled my hand the other way, making a deep red slice in my wrist. As the blood seeped down my wrist, I created more. Eventually my wrist was too full. I moved on to my stomach. It was already fat and useless, it doesn't matter if its infested with scars. After too long there was blood dripping down on the floor, and almost every inch of my stomach, wrist, and thighs were filled with scars. Great. Now your body is just as fucked up as you. We're all fucked up castiel. You just more than others.
You been a bad boy castiel. You haven't been taking your medicine. You've been too busy with Dean. Well you know what? He's cheating on you with Lisa Braeden. He doesn't love you Castiel. There's more room on your right wrist. They don't have to be perfectly straight lines, castiel. They can be just as straight as you if you'd like.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled into the empty air. Nobody was there, but the voices were. The voices were always there. They were always there. The voices were me. We were always here.

After filling up my right wrist I pulled on a sweatshirt and went to sleep.

//Deans POV//

I saw castiel in the hallway. I went looking after him after he didn't show up to art, his favorite class. When I saw the familiar trench coat I called his name. Nobody responded. He just looked at me, his face bloody. He quickly turned around and started running the other way when I saw his back. It was drenched in blood. "Castiel! Your back!" I yelled out but he kept running until he ran out the double doors. When I went out the doors he was gone.

"Mr. Winchester, my office. Now." Mr. Kripke, the principal, said sternly.

"B-but sir-" I was cut off.

"Office. Now."


"Mr. Winchester, you're new to this school and you're already trying to skip school."

"Sir that's not what was happen-"

"I wasnt done. We are going to have to contact Mr. Singer. I'm very disappointed in you Winchester."


"Hi Mr. Singer, nice to meet you." Mr. Kripke said.

"Call me Bobby." He said as he shook his hand. "So whats this about?" He shot a glance over towards me.

"Dean Winchester seems to have been skipping school. I caught him right outside the double doors in the east wing."

"What was his reasoning?"

"Sir, he was just skipping."

"That's not like Dean. Did you actually ask the boy?" He asked, his voice steadily growing louder.

"No sir." Mr. Kripke looked over at me. "Why were you skipping school Mr. Winchester?"

Fuck. If I tell him then Castiel will get in trouble. If I don't tell him then I will get in trouble. "I just didn't feel very good." I lied

"Now Mr. Kripke, isn't it a policy that if a student feels sick they are allowed to go home? In your student handbook, that's what it says. Now if you'll excuse us, I will take Dean home and I must get back to work. Maybe next time, learn the story and learn your student handbook before yelling at him." (A/N DAMN. BOBBY IS SASSY.) And with that Bobby and I left. As we were driving home Bobby looks over to me.

"Boy, your lucky I saved you back there. Now what's the real story?" He asked.

"Cas. He. He was running. He was covered in blood. I tried chasing after him but he was too fast."

"What's his address?" He asked as he pulled out dumbass, his GPS.

"42 Wallaby Way" I responded. Before too long we were there.

"Now get out idjit. Don't make me do this again. I'll get Sam to drive the car home."

"Okay, see ya Bobby. Thanks!" I hollered as he pulled out of the driveway.

I went up and knocked on the door, it was locked as normal and nobody was answering. After a few attempts I gave up and went over to castiels window. He never keeps it locked because he sneaks out alot. I started climbing up and I reached the window. I quickly opened it and there he was, sleeping soundly in his bed. I went over and sat next to him and waited patiently for him to wake up.

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