Lube and Pink fluffy handcuffs

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//Deans POV//
I woke up around 8:30. Fuck. We have to be at school in 30 minutes.

"Cas." I nudged him over

"Hmmnnneh" he mumbled under his breath and turned to his side. Knowing I wasn't going to wake him up by talking to him, I got up and cranked up the AC. He snuggled more into the blanket. I then ripped the blankets to discover a naked Cas. I'm not complaining, it was quite a scenic veiw.

"EEK" he screeched as he jumped up into my arms and snuggled into my chest. "Dean?! Why'd you do that!?"

"We have school in 30 minutes." While I was talking I went into my closet and grabbed a Metallica shirt and faded skinny jeans and tossed it to Cas.

"I'll make breakfast, you go shower. You reek of lube."

"Okay dean." He grabbed the clothes from me and walked out.

//Cas POV//
When I got to the bathroom, someone was in there. I figured it was Sam, so I waited outside, forgetting I was naked. A few minutes he walked out, brushing his teeth. He didnt notice me at first then he just screamed, flying toothpaste everywhere.

I laughed very nervously. "Enjoying the veiw sunshine? Anyways I thought you were spending the night at my house with Gabe?"

"Oh, well at around midnight we came to the conclusion that none of his clothes would fit me considering I was a whole foot taller, so we came here. Gabe's in my room still asleep."

"Oh. Well okay."

As I was talking I heard a door open in the distance and soft footsteps. I didn't realize it was Gabe until he turned the corner and stopped midstep, wide eyed.

"Um, castiel. Where is your clothing?" He inquired

"Deans room. Now if you'll excuse me I must take a shower."

I turned the corner and I could hear them snickering. They didnt think I could hear them but Gabe said to Sam "sounds like they had as much fun as we did Samwich."

Sam giggled and agreed.

//Gabriel's POV//
No brother wants to see his innocent baby brother naked. Innocent? Who am I kidding? Last night while me and Sam were searching for an extra bottle of lube, we found pink fuzzy handcuffs, whips, and a drawer full of scented lube. Let's just say my paradise smells like winter mint. (A/N I only added Gabriel's point of view to add some comedy, honestly I'm really sorry I haven't been uploading lately. Ive been pretty busy, and by busy I mean I've been laying on the floor contemplating life for the past two days. Oops. I'll try to go back to uploading everyday, but if I don't be patient you little bitch. Byeeee.)

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