The First Date

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//Cas' POV//
I woke up the next day, nobody was around but Dean in the corner playing his guitar.

"Dean?" I wheezed out. His eyes widened and he rushed over to me.

"Cas! Baby! Oh my god! You're awake!" He was practically sobbing, but this was the happiest I had ever seen him. He leaned in and gave a wet sloppy kiss and hugged me. His tears were drenching my gown, but it was okay. A few moments later a nurse walked in with a clipboard.

"Hey, Castiel. I'm Jessica, the nurse. How are you feeling?" She asked

"Um, I'm okay. My head hurts."

"Well yeah, you got a metal bucket landed on it with 10 pounds of glitter in it." She turned around to face Dean. "Mr. Winchester, now that he is awake we need to ask him a few questions. Would you mind going and waiting outside in the waiting room?" He nodded and walked out the door.

//Deans POV//
As I left the waiting room I pulled out my cell phone to message Sammy and Gabriel.

Hey Sammy. Cas is awake. Would you and Gabe like to come see him? The nurse is checking up on him right now.

Dean? Are you serious? Cas is awake? That's great! I'll call Gabe and we will be down there in a jiffy!

You make fun of me for calling you "Sammy" yet you still use the word "jiffy". You are a chubby twelve year old XD

Shut the fuck up jerk


A few moments later Gabriel and Sammy walked into the waiting room, Gabe had some clothes in his hand that weren't super glittery.

"Hey Sammy, hey Gabe." I gently waved at them.

"Heyo Deano" Gabe said while doing this weird dance thing.

"Winchester? Cas will be dismissed in a few minutes. Do any of you have spare clothes for him?" She looked at the three men as Gabriel held up the clothes.

"Okay, you must be Mr. Novak. You guys can come right this way." She said as she gestured down the hallway to Cas' room.

"Okay, thanks" I responded.

//Cas' POV//
My brother and Dean and Sam all walked in. Normally Gabriel would come in and say "heya Cassie" but today he just came over and gave me a Metallica shirt, my black ripped skinny jeans, and a regular jacket. I looked at him confusingly.

"Your trench coat is covered in glitter Cas. I didn't think you would want to wear it." He said, most likely noticing my burrowed eyebrows.

"Hurry up, we have a date to attend to." Dean remarked, getting confused looks from both Sammy and Gabe.

"Oh right. Me and Dean are a couple now. I must have forgotten to mention." I said as I went into the bathroom to get changed. When I came out Dean choked on air.

"I didn't think you could yet hotter!" He gasped. I just chuckled.

"Let's go. Where are we going on our date?"

"Well first off we are going to Walgreen's to fill your prescription then we are going to- well it's a surprise."

"Ugh, more medicine?" I asked. I already have to take 3 pills for schizophrenia, 1 pill for anxiety, 2 antidepressants, and a vitamin gummy. Now I have to take this too.

"Well Sammy, where do you say we go for our date?" Gabriel was smiling as he sad this.

"It's a surprise" Sam giggled.

"What?" Me and Dean asked in unison.

"Oh me and Sam are a couple, if you didnt know." As Gabe said this Sam stuck his tongue out at Dean.

"Oh, well cool. Lets get out of this hell" Cas said


"Dean where are we going? We've already been to Walgreen's and now we aren't even going the right way to go to your house."

"Who says we are going to my house?"

"Oh." The rest of the drive was pretty quiet but it wasn't awkward. It was like a comforting quiet. Soon enough we pulled into the parking lot of a park.

"You took me to a park for our first date?"

"Hell yeah! This park is awesome! Me and Sammy always come here!" I just chuckled and opened up the car door. As i opened it, Dean slammed it shut. He didn't say anything, he just got out and crossed over to my side if the car and opened up the door like a chauffer.

"After you ma'lady" I just chuckled and slammed the door shut, accidentally slamming his fingers into the car door. I just heard a cute little"ap!". Then I looked over and he was flailing his hand around everywhere with his face tensed up. I then realized what I had done and I just chuckled and opened the door and went over to kiss his fingers.

"I'm sorry Jelly Dean. Do you forgive me?"

"Only if you never call me Jelly Dean again."


And with that we went to play on the playground.

"You'll have to catch me!" I yelled at Dean and I climbed the rope up to a wooden platform and ziplined across the playground.

"Oh you're on Castiel Novak!" He shouted as I was zooming through the playground.

For awhile he was so behind me it was comical, considering he is the one in football. After awhile he caught onto my running pattern and was right in front of me. I then ran across the wooden bridge and didnt realize there was a ledge above the bridge. As I tripped and almost faceplanted the wooden platform, someone grabbed my first from behind and brought me into a warm kiss.

"I caught you Castiel. What's my prize?"

"Oh, you'll see in the bedroom tonight." I responded and took off again.

A/N Okay so I just now realized that one of my chapters never published, it was just a filler and I don't want to rewrite it. Dean and Castiel did get together, just that part didn't post //evil glare over towards wattpad//. Sorry for any confusion! Enjoy the story lovelies ❤

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