Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was floating over a cloud of cotton candy. In my intense desire to eat as much cotton-candy cloud as possible, I  suddenly fell off of the cloud and plummeted to the ground. I screamed as I fell from a hundred feet into the air.      

Luckily, my fall was broken. I landed in a huge lake of  purple stuff. Which, much to your satisfaction, I soon realized to be Grape soda. I decided to go ahead and indulge, and gulped large amounts of grape soda while breaking off pieces of candy-cane growing from the ground.      

Honestly, this camp was great! Grape soda lakes, candy-cane ground, fluffy cotton-candy clouds. This was the life.      

But that was all momentary. Till little people with distorted, gooey, brown bodies emerged out of the grape soda lake with their arms outstretched, reaching out for me.

"Come on, Taylor... come to us. Come on Taylor." They held out their gross malformed zombie-like hands and reached for me. I screamed and frantically paddled your way to the shore of the lake.

"No! Get away!!"

They were soon all over me, climbing on top of me with their gross licorice bodies. "Come on, Taylor. Come to us."

"Get away you awful tasting monsters!” I thrashed my arms about and they all flew off of me.

"God Taylor! What the hell are you playing at?!"

I opened my eyes and saw Kerri with a huge red mark on her arm where I  had slapped her.

"Oh. My bad..." I stuttered, getting up from the bed.

That's when I noticed that all everyone in the cabin was wide-awake... and cracking up.
Oh great. I've been here for only one day and I've already made a fool of myself.
I  grudgingly got out of bed and tied back my long brown hair as Ashyr imitated me struggling and screaming, "Get away you licorice zombies!" His imitation was clearly an overly exaggerated version.

Kerri slapped Ashyr across the face. "Cut it out you retard! It's not funny!" She said, half-suppressing a laugh.

"Ah, cheers Taylor, for the best wake-up call ever!" Joel said, and then fell into a fit of laughter, followed by everyone else in the room. Even Kerri was laughing.

"Ha ha... very funny guys. I know that everyone in this room has been attacked by evil zombie licorice people at least once or twice..." I commented. That just made them laugh even more. "All right, if you're not done being retards, I'm going to leave for my shower." I announced, grabbing a towel, soap and shampoo, and a change of clothes.

"No wait, don't leave!" Ashyr blurted, in between laughs, "You still have to fight the licorice zombies!" He laughed again, the rest of the cabin following suit by default.

"You guys are so stupid! This isn't that funny you know." I snapped and left the cabin.   

I ignored the raucous laughter from the cabin and walked quickly through the woods. The girls' shower room was a small wooden building with ten showers and toilets in it. The instant I ran into the building, I occupied the cleanest shower. It would be minutes before there would be a huge line for that shower.     

I stripped and took a nice warm wash. Letting down my long brown hair, I used some sweet coconut smelling shampoo and massaged it onto my scalp. When I was done, I  slipped on a green short sleeve shirt and denim capri pants.      

I  stepped out of the shower and saw a line of girls waiting to take showers. Just like last year. It was too easy to predict. Before I could leave, avoiding the line at all costs, Kerri caught my eye.

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