Chapter 12.

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AN: stop f,aing ok hargrid is a pedo 2 a lot of ppl in amerikan skoolz r lik dat I wunted 2 adres da ishu! how du u no snap iant kristian plus hargrid isn't really in luv wif ebony dat was sedric ok!

But you just said that Hagrid was a student, not a pedophile. AND LEAVE CEDRIC OUT OF THIS! ME AND MY FRIENDS WORSHIP HIM LIKE YOU WORSHIP SATAN! HE'S MY HUFFLEPUFF GOD. Sorry about that. It's true, though. He's better than Edward.


I was about to slit my wrists again with the silver knife that Drago

Bad spelling or Bakugan reference?

had given me in case anything happened to him. He had told me to use it valiantly against an enemy but I knew that we must both go together.

I am surprised she knows the word 'valiantly'.

"NO!" I THOUGHT IT WAS HAIRgrid but it was Vampire. He started to scream. "OMFG! NOOOOO! MY SCAR HURTS!" and then..... his eyes rolled up! You could only see his red whites.

I understand nothing of the above paragraph.

I stopped. "How did u know?"

How did he know what?

"I saw it! And my scar turned back into the lightning bolt!"

"NO!" I ran up closer. "I thought you didn't have a scar anymore!" I shouted.

"I do but Diabolo changed it into a pentagram for me and I always cover it up with foundation." he said back. "Anyway my scar hurt and it turned back into the lightning bolt! Save me! then I had a vision of what was happening to Draco................Volfemort has him bondage!"

Voldy Moldy is into BDSM, huh? And Draco is dead! Please, let him stay dead! He wants sweet release!

Anyway I was in the school nurse's office now recovering from my slit wrists. Snap and Loopin and HAHRID were there too. They were going to St. Mango's


after they recovered cause they were pedofiles and you can't have those fucking pervs teaching in a school with lots of hot gurlz.

So you're bisexual after all?

Dumbledore had constipated

You read that? Stay out of the bathroom for a while!

the cideo camera they took of me naked. I put up my middle finger at them.

Anyway Hargrid came into my hospital bed holding a bouquet of pink roses.

"Enoby I need to tell u somethnig." he said in a v. serious voice, giving me the roses.

"Fuck off." I told him. "You know I fucking hate the color pink anyway,

But the inside of your coffin is hot pink.

and I don't like fucked up preps like you." I snapped. Hargrid had been mean to me before for being gottik.

But he's in your band. He's goffik, too.

"No Enoby." Hargrid says. "Those are not roses."

"What, are they goffs too you poser prep?" I asked cause I was angry that he had brought me pink roses.

"I saved your life!" He yelled angrily. "No you didn't I replied." "You saved me from getting a Paris Hilton p- video made from your shower scene and being vued by Snap and Loopin." Who MASTABATED (c is dat speld rong)

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